good day but ......


New member
Nov 16, 2010
kelowna b.c.
i jsut got back in to ridding its been 10 years. i have a 1998 trippel srx 700 the thing is so heavy. its all stock with a 136 track and lots of power.
1st thing is how can i make it lighter i am a big boy about 240 lbs and all i do is sink and have to dig my seld out 50% of the time. i hate it lol
2nd thing is i want to do a 151 track and skid. i have about 1000 bucks to play with and want to try and do it cheep. so really what i am asking is were the best place is to get a 151 track and skid and will any other skids for other sleds fit under mine? and how can i make the sled lighter..

thanks for all the help. i dont want to have to get ride of my yammy love it but its killing me
tracks usa ....alot of times they have screaming deals on skids and tracks ......not much to do to lighten it up ...except put the driver on a diet offence to you ..butyou will drop a ton into it to lighten it and you aint gonna lighten it but mabe 50 pounds and your looking to spend probally close to what u paid for it
thanks man. lol there not losing pounds for me i am 6 5 and thats all i can get down to with out looking like i am dieing lol thanks for the help man
i second tracks usa. i got a new skid from them a couple years ago, great service. also, the skid if put in weighs 15 pounds less than the stock one, not much but it all adds up!
