plug melted


New member
Jan 19, 2011
new york
alright i am new to this sight but hope someone can give me some ideas. I have a 1999 yamaha srx. i blew a rod off the crank so i bought a 2001 srx motor. slapped it in, put my carbs powervalves etc on it n i just cant get it to pull more than 7000 rpm. i did change the jets due to each motor requires different jets on opposite sides off the motor. i also when i got it had to use my stator from my 1999 due to plugs from stator being different. now yesturday i went on long poker run with long straight aways n sled seemed after being held wide open like it was starving for gas. then after bout 80 miles melted a plug. I mean melted like pre detonation pic in repair manual. now i have no idea what is going on with this thing. do i need cdi box from 2001 motor or doesnt it matter? jets are 150 on pto, 148 in the other two. power valves are perfect, air box is gutted with bender pipes n silencer. wy otheer motor would make this thing scream. i rode it for 8000 miles till it blew rod. any help would be appreciated
you said you changed the stator, what flywheel are you using 99 to 01 different
modsrx said:
trigger on flywheel are not the same .
ya well the problem with using the old flywheel is that it wont fit. the metal on the caseings is different. the wires on the 2001 only have like a few wires n the 99 has like 5 wires so kinda stumped what to do with it.
bkas2724 said:
the magnets on each flywheel in exact same places tho.

not exactly, youll notice a 4th magnet on the 2001 flywheel, you need to remove this, its a short one in between the others.

I dont remember for sure off the top of my head but I believe there was a differance in the lenght of the 3 long ones as well, you better check them side by side.
mrviper700 said:
not exactly, youll notice a 4th magnet on the 2001 flywheel, you need to remove this, its a short one in between the others.

I dont remember for sure off the top of my head but I believe there was a differance in the lenght of the 3 long ones as well, you better check them side by side.
ok i will check this out. thanks for the info. i will keep ya posted.
bkas2724 said:
ok i will check this out. thanks for the info. i will keep ya posted.
one other thing. it seems like the magnets on the 2001 would be smaller due to the difference in size of the flywheels. my 99 one is bigger due to it is alot thicker.
