SRX still had idle hang with 42.5 pilots and fuel screws out 2 turns.
I dropped the bowls to see if pilots got clogged but were clean and also put the screws at 2 turns. Even though the gas looked good and clean, there was STILL a strong varnish scent to the gas and very noticeable on my hands from coming out the float bowls.
The shop I was at was a truck shop, sitting around drinking some beer with my cousin that took me over to see his friend with a ton of Yamaha's, He offered to sell a few gallons of KLOTZ 108 octane and dumped it in the tank.
I have never been on a SRX that ran so smooth up top and Largely cleared up the idle hang after the fuel screws chage to 2 turns. Just to be sure there was not an air lieak, I sprayed with starting fluid on all boots and PTO and no changes in idle. I only have a 5 -7 second idle hang now but the sled is much more responsive off of idle. Huge improvement over last time with the size 40 pilots.
On another note, the guy i bought sled from had the carbs RIFLE BORED so I'm wondering if I should get a set of stock un-molested carbs for my 01 SRX
Input is appreciated
I dropped the bowls to see if pilots got clogged but were clean and also put the screws at 2 turns. Even though the gas looked good and clean, there was STILL a strong varnish scent to the gas and very noticeable on my hands from coming out the float bowls.
The shop I was at was a truck shop, sitting around drinking some beer with my cousin that took me over to see his friend with a ton of Yamaha's, He offered to sell a few gallons of KLOTZ 108 octane and dumped it in the tank.
I have never been on a SRX that ran so smooth up top and Largely cleared up the idle hang after the fuel screws chage to 2 turns. Just to be sure there was not an air lieak, I sprayed with starting fluid on all boots and PTO and no changes in idle. I only have a 5 -7 second idle hang now but the sled is much more responsive off of idle. Huge improvement over last time with the size 40 pilots.
On another note, the guy i bought sled from had the carbs RIFLE BORED so I'm wondering if I should get a set of stock un-molested carbs for my 01 SRX
Input is appreciated
If the carbs were bored, you will need to jet for them. I would say jump up 1 more size on the pilots and you should be good. More air = more fuel. Cheaper then new carbs too!
The high idle is always a lean condition.
Active member
Obviously you are having a lean issue with your new carb setup, and by adding 108 octane, you weren't effectively burning the fuel, which richened it up alot (assuming you are running a pump gas motor). Go back to pump gas, and throw some jet at it.
I used a little 108 to mix in with some old gas that wa still half and half with new gas. I actually ran that tank out and filled with fresh 93 today and its running the same now as it was mixed with the 108
The motor is bone stock.
Im gonna try 45 pilots and start over on the fuel screws since I forgot the carbs were bored what ya think?
The motor is bone stock.
Im gonna try 45 pilots and start over on the fuel screws since I forgot the carbs were bored what ya think?
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I totally forgot the previous owner had bored the carbs
I dont think a sled will idle or burn effectively at idle with old gas.
Valin, Read your entire thread on your build up.. I saw your big blue drum of race fuel.
I agree that a stock motor runs better on pump gas. I just wanted to use some 108 to cover or mix the old gas still in the tank. Thers no way the motor was being fed 100% 108
Valin, Read your entire thread on your build up.. I saw your big blue drum of race fuel.
I agree that a stock motor runs better on pump gas. I just wanted to use some 108 to cover or mix the old gas still in the tank. Thers no way the motor was being fed 100% 108
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Sled is running so good on top end that even with the clutch set-up I have, I need to lose about 100 RPM.
That same set-up was spot on with a previous SRX I owned but this 01 want to pull slightly higher RPM's Im not sure if its from the bored carbs or what.. Guess it goes to say not all sleds will run exact with same set-up.
Sled was runnign perfect at 20-25 degrees. Im going to 151.3 PTO and 150's and on center and mag. It was pretty crisp with stock jetting. Im just compensating for the bored carbs if it was to get about 10-15 degrees cooler outside.
That same set-up was spot on with a previous SRX I owned but this 01 want to pull slightly higher RPM's Im not sure if its from the bored carbs or what.. Guess it goes to say not all sleds will run exact with same set-up.
Sled was runnign perfect at 20-25 degrees. Im going to 151.3 PTO and 150's and on center and mag. It was pretty crisp with stock jetting. Im just compensating for the bored carbs if it was to get about 10-15 degrees cooler outside.