3, 5mm hex heads on stator


Jun 21, 2003
Rochester, NY
WTF, what is the deal with the 3, 5mm hex heads that hold the recoil catch on the stator cover. I need to pull them to pull the stator. The problem is.... One is totally destroyed from the prior owner when he busted the recoil (Chewed up that bolt big time). That one is totally round inside and 50% shaved off on the outside. The other two are fine but, even with a hammer driven impact screw driver with 5mm on the end. These bolts will not budge. My plan is to weld a bolt to the shitty one after I get the other two out. I have snapped a 5mm allen wrench so far and the impact driver will not budge them at all. Any suggestions? Doug
These can be a real bear to remove. The way I have removed the ones that still have the allen slot in tact is:
-get an old 3/8 drive ratchet
-install a unworn 5 mm allen head attachment
-lock the recoil cage fron turning[I insert a long 3/8 extension xways thru the cage to secure it from turning]
-install the allen wrench/ratchet and while applying a fair amount of torsion on the wrench bang the head of the ratchet still applying removal rotation on the ratchet handle...be patient, it may take a while and DON"T HIT IT TOO HARD a brisk steady tapping works best

This has always worked for me...LOL..but its hard on the ratchet!

The impact screw driver is the tool for this. This tool is soo sweet. Tap it on the end and it removes every crappy screw. The two good 5mm are still perfect and I can work with them. I am going to have to weld up the bad one no question about it. A little heat on the good ones mught work. I will only use the heat gun. Magnets and heat are like oil and water. I'll keep working at it. I am open to more suggestions. Possible hand grenade in the belly pan comes to mind. HAHAHAHA
If you can get your hands on one try using a 5mm socket bit or an old 5mm allen wrench cut down and use a hammer to give them a few good wraps,this will usually break a stubborn bolt free.This doesn't work 100% of the time but like you said I'd try anything other than heat first using that as a last resort.
Have you used an impact screw driver? That is what it is. The impact screw driver is the best friend of all "small" bolts and screws. When you smack it with a hammer it mashes down on the screw and turns the direction you want it to and will never slip/strip. You set it for in/out and it does its job great. It has a 1/2" drive, I added a 1/2" onto 3/8" converted and attached the 5mm ratchet allen to it. There is no tool on the planet better for removing a bolt better. The down side, even this tool is letting me down due to the amount of force needed to remove these bolts. BTW, I am not ripping oin you, I am just pissed. Doug
NY_SXR700 said:
Really... heat and magnets don't get along..... Heat from the heat gun or heat from a propane torch? Thanks, doug
Heat from a acy/ox torch with a brazing tip set up at a very sharp blaze.Heat the centre of bolt not red hot but hot and take time between heating so the loctight will become soft.
