New member
Hi I have an 03 Viper ER and I noticed that the cable on one of my power valves has pulled free from the metal end. Anyone run into this before? Is it a problem to run sled like this until I can get it fixed??
New member
You can run it but it run well. Do a search here for the brake line fix. I did it and it works well.
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Look here
Go to the power valve section....
Go to the power valve section....
New member
Power valve vs cable
So I take it you guys think I have a bad power valve not a bad cable. Do I have that correct? When I tried intially to repair the cable the cable sheath seemed too short. I am second owner and bougth sled with 900 miles on it so would think cables have never been touched but I did take sled into a dealer before I road sled to get carbs cleaned, track adjusted, ..., general checkup as insurance.
Related if the cable pulled out then it seems safe to assume PV is jammed.
So I take it you guys think I have a bad power valve not a bad cable. Do I have that correct? When I tried intially to repair the cable the cable sheath seemed too short. I am second owner and bougth sled with 900 miles on it so would think cables have never been touched but I did take sled into a dealer before I road sled to get carbs cleaned, track adjusted, ..., general checkup as insurance.
Related if the cable pulled out then it seems safe to assume PV is jammed.
Funny the dealer didnt check the powervalves? pretty common that they are atleast dirty if not pulled thru.
Active member
Have you pulled the power valve housings off the moter?You say you tried to fix the cable?I dont understand.
New member
Picture of cable
I should clarify, by repair I ment I put some self vulcanizing tape on cable. When I first spotted issue I didn't think too much of it as it looke like a bad cable so I taped it. When I got home after riding and I thought about it more then I started digging in as it seemed like a weird failure for a cable. I have attached a picture to show you all what I am looking at.
Thanks for the inputs
I should clarify, by repair I ment I put some self vulcanizing tape on cable. When I first spotted issue I didn't think too much of it as it looke like a bad cable so I taped it. When I got home after riding and I thought about it more then I started digging in as it seemed like a weird failure for a cable. I have attached a picture to show you all what I am looking at.
Thanks for the inputs

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New member
I had one like that.Plastic got pulled out of the metal end.Thought I had it fixed,but it fell out and rubbed right through the cable.jlacey said:I should clarify, by repair I ment I put some self vulcanizing tape on cable. When I first spotted issue I didn't think too much of it as it looke like a bad cable so I taped it. When I got home after riding and I thought about it more then I started digging in as it seemed like a weird failure for a cable. I have attached a picture to show you all what I am looking at.
Thanks for the inputs
jlacey said:I should clarify, by repair I ment I put some self vulcanizing tape on cable. When I first spotted issue I didn't think too much of it as it looke like a bad cable so I taped it. When I got home after riding and I thought about it more then I started digging in as it seemed like a weird failure for a cable. I have attached a picture to show you all what I am looking at.
Thanks for the inputs
I fixed one temporarily with adheasive lined double wall shrink tube when the crimp came loose at the valve end. It help up for a weekend and was still together when I pulled it but since it can affect proper valve adjustment, I'd replace the cable as soon as you can.
New member
So in everyones experience am I looking at a bad cable, stuck powewr valve or a pulled through cable?? Again appreciate the inputs. If it's just a cable any ideas on cause should I be looking at more than cable?
jlacey said:So in everyones experience am I looking at a bad cable, stuck powewr valve or a pulled through cable?? Again appreciate the inputs. If it's just a cable any ideas on cause should I be looking at more than cable?
IMO - having to pull the PV every 1000 miles or so puts a bunch of stress on the cable crimps over time so.....
1 - The cable needs replacement
2 - Remove all three valves and clean/inspect for pull through
3 - Repair/replace PVs and cables as needed
4 - Adjust per FAQ
New member
Joe, Obviously the cable is bad. The power valve might or might not be stuck and the cable might or might not be pulled through the valve. The only way to tell is to unbolt the four allen head screws. Before you do that, take the 3 screws off of the cover for the servo motor, and with a channel locks with a rag over it, turn the end of the servo motor to give the cables a little slack (this will not affect the adjustment of the valves, it will just give you the slack you need to assist in removing the power valve). You can do this. It's not hard at all.
New member
Totally agree on checking,cleaning and adjusting the valves as needed every 1,000 miles or when you first buy it used.If they are badly gummed up they will come out a lot easier if you get the engine up to operating temp before you try to pull them.
New member
All thanks for the inputs and I was already thinking along your lines MikeSr. but I figured since I am new to sledding and guys here have years of experience I would double check my thinking. Also thank you for the tip on the servo wouldn't have thought of that!!!! I ordered a cable and a Power valve (just in case) on Monday so now its just wait for the parts and the weekend to come. I be back if I get jammed, thanks again guys for all the inputs.
Active member
I think the damage to the cable is from someone trying to remove the powervalve without takeing the servo moter off the mounts.You end up bending the cable to slide the valve out unless you dissconect it as mike has said.