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Want to know your best opinion what is best type reeds and bang for your buck? what do you run? did you notice throttle response and hp gain?
New member
i just put carbon tech reeds in , better low end thats about it

most say stick with stock. better to put that money towards clutching or trail porting if you want performance gains
New member
dose the cage come with the carbon tech, one of my cages it gettin ware marks in the middle one burning up reeds in 500 miles
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
600srxman said:i just put carbon tech reeds in , better low end thats about it
What he said.....WORD FOR WORD.
grizzlyrunner said:Want to know your best opinion what is best type reeds and bang for your buck? what do you run? did you notice throttle response and hp gain?
Either stock or carbon.
i ran vforce delta 2's until my engine ate 1. i then picked up a set of boysen reeds, and tnow im running vforce 3's. for some reason i liked the boysen out of the three.
Active member
I've got Boyesen's in my stock Viper only because when I had it apart those were available immediately and I would have had to wait for the stock pedals. I don't really know if they helped any but I rode 130 miles today and my sled is really running strong. It was around 10 deg F when I started and it slowly kept dropping. Man these Vipers get strong when it gets in this temp range. I was running neck and neck from low end to mid and slightly pulling away on top against a friends Attak. I couldn't believe it.
New member
journeyman did you put just boyesen reeds on stock cages or boyesen cages and reeds? thanks for replys
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grizzlyrunner said:journeyman did you put just boyesen reeds on stock cages or boyesen cages and reeds? thanks for replys
Boyesen pedals on stock cages. My stock pedals were shot last season and I was in a pinch. They were the only pedals the guy I deal with had on hand and I needed it back together. I have over 8200 miles on the sled as of today. The original reeds made it over 7000 miles so I couldn't complain.
New member
How did you know the reeds in your engine needed to be replaced? Did you determine this based on performance or by inspecting them? I have 12300 mile son the original reeds in my 2000 SRX. While I had teh carbs off for cleaning, I inspected the reeds, all of the pedals are damage free and in tight contact with the reed base.
How did you know the reeds in your engine needed to be replaced? Did you determine this based on performance or by inspecting them? I have 12300 mile son the original reeds in my 2000 SRX. While I had teh carbs off for cleaning, I inspected the reeds, all of the pedals are damage free and in tight contact with the reed base.
Active member
rx1jim said:Journeyman,
How did you know the reeds in your engine needed to be replaced? Did you determine this based on performance or by inspecting them? I have 12300 mile son the original reeds in my 2000 SRX. While I had teh carbs off for cleaning, I inspected the reeds, all of the pedals are damage free and in tight contact with the reed base.
My sled was running funny in the UP last year smelling like gas and sputtering on bottom end. The reeds were all busted and pieces missing from them. Maybe the fuel treatment I use for summer storage is hard on them....not sure.
New member
OK, I just checked the reeds on my 2000 SRX, it has 12000 miles on the original stock reeds. I took the carbs off the clen them so I could take a good look into the reed age. All the reeds are complete, no missing pieces and are sealing tight to the cage. Looks like the OEM reeds really do hold up.