suspension set up


New member
Feb 5, 2011
I am at a loss here I have a 98 srx ,96 pics,i believe stock clutching actually i think the sled is all stock so here is my problem I spin everywhere this sled will not pic the skis off the ground period. I mean the sled is fast about 200kph pulls hard very, limiter straps are let right out even with 2 people on it it will spin like crazy will not stand up.Is there an adjustment i'm missing or do these sleds not lift the skis?It seemed like there was too much pressure on the skis ,when racing through the trails the sled is is fantastic when your on the throttle but as soon as you let off the thing is like a crazy carpet its all over the place seems like the track is hydroplaning for lack of a better word.and when its like this stopping is terrible,i've overshot many corners its scary at times.any set up info would be appreciated thanks.
with my SRX at limiters in stock position and with transfer set more then 50/50..I pick up the skis like nothin.I have 120 studs..still spin out at launch but I even raise the skis if cruising at 50 mph and pin it..the ski's lift off the snow...I was launching the other day..a littgle spin but skis up like 2 feet....
I now dropped the transfer down for a more better launch without raising skis that much.Thing is the skis should maybe come up about an inch max at launch,thus your track is biting more in the snow and you have steeing.You will have to adjust your transfer rods.
even at high speeds the sled breaks free, but the ski's still stay planted ,what is the stock position for the limiters mine are right out maybe 4 threads showing
stock ones are not adjustable,but you can change the spacers around.Put thinner spacer on top instead of the thick one.And stock limiters should be around 32 mm end of thread to bracket.I have adjustable rods myself..easier and can adjust on the go.
A 13 year old sled probably needs things replaced before trying to adjust.I would start with the centre shock............if you place something like a 6x6 piece of wood under the front of the track and set the sled down on it does it collapse easy or try to hold the sled up at all?They are common to fail i would start there.
it doesn't collapse easy at all seems pretty stiff .just wondering about the stock transfer rods.I am not familiar with the no-action suspension at all previous owner was very anal when it comes to the maintenance on his toys (condition of the sled proved that)unfortunately i have lost his number so am unable to contact him to verify what he had done ,now whether he loosened everything off in the spring to take the load off the suspension i can't answer cause i am not sure on the factory settings all i can say is that it does look like everything is backed off .now if this is the case where should i start to adjust first
one other question i was offered an M10 suspension that was removed from a MXZ and its complete with the mounting plates and such is it worth it to install this or is what i have suffient ? i basically ride groomed trails and the lakes, i do my best to avoid the molguls on the trails when possible. i ride pretty aggressively and like i said before the sled right now is a real handfull to control so i'm sure something needs to be set up suspension wise.
