Hello guys',someone has the answer!My battery gave in so I tried charging it up after warming it up,it tested 12.3 volts.It would not take charge, so I bought a new one.Checked the volts at the cables while engine was running,1,900-2000 showed about 12.6-12.8.When I reved the engine up to the 3,000 range as the Clymer manual says to the volts jumped to a max. of around 14.volts. Also did a test on the light volts at the headlight it showed only 10.2 volts at any rpm.So I tried the ohm test at the 6 pin plug and used the black and white wire for the charge test, it showed only 0.01.Also the lighting coil test showed low.Does this indicate that the stator is bad or going out? It seemed that the charging volts only went up if I bumped the rpm up and then it stayed up.When I shut off the motor and started again it stayed low till I reved it up.I could not find any threads on this topic anywhere.Thanks.
New member
The volts will stay low until the 3000 rpm mark or so (dont have a manual in front of me) 12.3 volts on the battery is getting low, a new 12 volt battery should read 13 to 13.2 volts. Someone chime in on volts at the headlight as I have never checked on that.