viper exhaust flange

Dr. FeeLGooD

VIP Member
Feb 24, 2008
I had weak springs on my stock exhaust 03 viper. Ordered new ones. The exhaust bounced or moved out of position and melted my belly pan where the exhaust dumps. Is the metal flange around the exhaust pipe that sits on the rubber grommet at the bottom of the muffler supposed to be flat or is one edge (the one closest to the outside of sled) supposed to be angled up somewhat? Not sure if it is bent or not. Looks like it is supposed to be bent. Have some plastic welding to do to repair the hole in the bellypan. That will be a learning experiance, and I have a replacement grommet coming from Viperking, thank you to him. Hoping my donuts are still good, have to try it out after the plastic repair. BTW I discovered this 125 miles from home so it was worse by the time I got home.
Every one I have seen is bent up on the side that faces out. I am pretty sure they are supposed to be.
When I picked up my springs, I asked the mechanic and he says yes, supposed to be bent. Thanks bigreis. Happy enough how the plastic welding went, aint pretty, but looks strong. Now working up the nerve to get at them powervalves.
