clutch parts questions: w/PICS


New member
Oct 5, 2009
east haven, CT
ok first could someone verify the 4.5g rivets part #? ive included a pic below of what i was sent im not expert but they look just like the stock 3.6g in the middle that came on the weights ive installed one and now im gonna see if i could get my hand on a gram scale tomorrow to make sure but my gut is that the pics below are of 3.6g rivets but idk if anyone can verify what i have i would greatly appreciate it ...

also is the groove worn into the clutch cover normal? am i missing anything?
and where do the engagement shims go ?

is the bushing everyone says be careful installing the one that slides on the shaft?
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in the cover itself in the aluminum there is a groove of you look closely from the spring i think...also does anyone know where engagement shims go??
could anyone tell me where i would add a washer to make them 4.5 g?? on the fat side ? or the side i peen over?? it seems like it would be a tight fit but i have to make them weigh more
