New member
Hi everyone I just joined here because my friend bought a 2001 srx700. Everything was going great until he called me today from the trail to tell me the motor just seized up
. He managed to un-seize it after a few min of turning the primary back and forth. Limped it home, compression was 120,120,30(exhaust side)
. Tore the exhaust side down and there was scoring all the way around the piston and the cylinder. We believe the meltdown was caused lean condition due to missing exhaust springs
My question is:
1)Can missing exhaust springs cause the exhaust to blow of during hard acceleration creating a lean condition?
2)Should we replace just the exhaust side cylinder and piston or all three pistons?
3)Should we still split the cases and clean everything since there was minimal metal shrapnel?

My question is:
1)Can missing exhaust springs cause the exhaust to blow of during hard acceleration creating a lean condition?
2)Should we replace just the exhaust side cylinder and piston or all three pistons?
3)Should we still split the cases and clean everything since there was minimal metal shrapnel?