98 or 99 srx whos faster


New member
Feb 7, 2011
Pierson MI
i have a 98 and a 99 srx they both are studded the same and have the same can other than that they are stock but my 99 feels like it has a little more but might be the rear suspension is set a little different i dont know much about sleds and have no one to ride the other to try to race them to find out i am only able to keep one so is there any differences or common problems with one that i should know about and is one faster than the other if anyone could help a new guy out that would be great
if anyone has anything to add that might help it would be nice they both have around 4400 miles and look great so that is no difference any help would be great
98 has a better chance of having crank issues, if it hasn't been welded already. Otherwise, keep the one you like better & set-up the way you want. OR, list them both for sale, whichever one sell, keep the other.
Which one pulls harder? What is max RPM of each? Which one is in better condition? Which one has lower miles? Which one has better compression? You get the picture. If all above is the same on both, google spec sheet on both years and compare. Or you can sell them both and get a newer improved SRX.
other than the compression which i havent had checked they are about the same so i guess its of to google thanks guys
what do u mean newer improved srx like i said i am new to this did they change stuff in the newer ones make some improvements or something r they better the 00 and newer
They will be close. The 00-02's had maybe 4 or 5 more horse, stator put out more power, and there are different profile weights in primary. You can set yours up fairly close to them.
Make sure you find out if the crank has been welded, the 98s had an issue with the crank, if it had not been welded make sure you get that done if you are going to keep it!
