How much can a stock SRX pull
considering my heelclickers weigh in at 64grs
Just asking

Just asking

Depends on primary spring & helix being used.
so for each spring/weight use as long as you get the desired RPMS is right
how about helixs some old school racers around here were saying just to run straight helix's for racing such as 43,45,47 is this true ?
how about helixs some old school racers around here were saying just to run straight helix's for racing such as 43,45,47 is this true ?
Active member
needaSRX said:so for each spring/weight use as long as you get the desired RPMS is right
how about helixs some old school racers around here were saying just to run straight helix's for racing such as 43,45,47 is this true ?
on one of my trail setups for my viper i use a straight 50 on a roller.
maybe this will help, the stronger the primary spring, the more weight it will require to hold a engine at a certain rpm, so for example, if you used a green-white-green(45-136kg) in a srx for example, its going to require you to add more clutch weight to run it at 8500rpm then it will if you ran a white-white white(45-119kg), now that does not mean the sled with the heavier weights will be faster then the other.
There is 10,000 ways to clutch a sled, you can use heavy weights/stiff spring and you can use lighter weights with a softer shift spring. Both sleds may hit the same exact 100mph topend speed for example , but.... 1 did something better then the other did somewhere thru out the start from point a to point b. wether it was faster out of the hole or it had more midrange speed, even though both set ups yielded the exact same finish line 100mph.
There is 10,000 ways to clutch a sled, you can use heavy weights/stiff spring and you can use lighter weights with a softer shift spring. Both sleds may hit the same exact 100mph topend speed for example , but.... 1 did something better then the other did somewhere thru out the start from point a to point b. wether it was faster out of the hole or it had more midrange speed, even though both set ups yielded the exact same finish line 100mph.