Trailering with a cover?

I do not like to use a cover because of the tarp flapping against the sled, I have seen marks on hoods after a long trailer ride. I wipe my sled off when I get to my destination and hope that some deep snow riding will take care of the rest
cover it, salt and sand can wipe off the hood but all the stuff that got under hood corrodes you pipe shield, rust the pipe and makes the whole engine look like it has 10,000 miles on it, better off just covering it, the cover you're looking is a cloth cover so it wont leave scratches, and but a salt shield
Man every one i see coverd has so so man scratches and kills the cover. We run a inclosed trailer now but back in the day for years and years we never would cover just wash your sled when done and spray under hood with fogging oil. They stay good as new.

Find an old blanket or go buy a cheap one and put it over your hood, then put the cover on it. You won't get salt and crap on your sled and will prtect your sled from scratches. But make sure the blanket won't scratch your sled too.
I trailered for one season on an open trailer. So much corrosion and scratches, 2nd season I located our used 27' Rance enclosed drive on drive off trailer. The cost is alot but worth it. Al
There is another cover that covers the skis as well.???
Local dealer doesnt have either, so will just order one of them online.
Which One ??? anyone use this one ??
Sled is in very good condition (almost like new) only 300 miles so I would like to try & keep it looking good ...
Enclosed trailer would be the answer , But "My Banker" raises Her eyebrows whenever "My toy" purchaces have 4 digits or more .....
Sled will have to travel Bareback this weekend ....
Gotta go make some Salt shields ..
denali said:
There is another cover that covers the skis as well.???
Local dealer doesnt have either, so will just order one of them online.
Which One ??? anyone use this one ??
Sled is in very good condition (almost like new) only 300 miles so I would like to try & keep it looking good ...
Enclosed trailer would be the answer , But "My Banker" raises Her eyebrows whenever "My toy" purchaces have 4 digits or more .....
Sled will have to travel Bareback this weekend ....
Gotta go make some Salt shields ..

As another suggested, cover the hood with a cotton blanket first than use the cover over it. My bud had a fancy cover that went over the skies and everything. Worked good.

I've used a Polaris cover on my SRX and as long as you bungy it tight to keep it from flapping against the sled and use a blanket under it, you won't have scratches. I used a few bungys from one running board to the other to keep the cover tight. Without a blanket and/or loose cover, yeah it'll get scratched real bad.

IMO - do not go uncovered, especially on an open trailer. In the back of a pick up isn't too bad. Cosmetic salt spray is one thing, getting it in the engine bay is quite another. It will get in every nook and crany (including under the pipe covers) and unless you can dip the whole sled in clean water, it'll show up later in the form of rust and corosion.
With only 300 miles on the sled, It will look like 30,000 in no time. I would rather stay home than use an open trailer. When the salt gets on the cylinders & you run it starts to like bake on & looks like crap. Not to mention every fastener on sled will be rusty. Get the cover that goes over the skis, they make soft under covers for the hood, & strap it down tight.
I will just go to princess auto & get a cheepy cover 4 the weekend until the one I order on line comes . I will make sure to steal wifeys blankets & bungee the crap out of it ...
Another Rookie ?? for you guys ..
How high should I make the plywood salt shields ??? 2' ,3' or higher ???
was just going to use 2x3"s in the ft stake pockets & screw 1/2"plywood to it .

This is what I just bought .
3' high shields would just leave the windscreen exposed ...

Thanks guys
denali said:
I will just go to princess auto & get a cheepy cover 4 the weekend until the one I order on line comes . I will make sure to steal wifeys blankets & bungee the crap out of it ...
Another Rookie ?? for you guys ..
How high should I make the plywood salt shields ??? 2' ,3' or higher ???
was just going to use 2x3"s in the ft stake pockets & screw 1/2"plywood to it .

This is what I just bought .
3' high shields would just leave the windscreen exposed ...

Thanks guys

If I were you, for a weekend or two I'd get the cheapo cover and use a blanket between it and the hood. Bungy any loose areas like between the w/shield and bars, tank and bars from the bottom side to side. I wouldn't bother with any kind of shield on the front of the trailer. The shield will keep snow off but any salt water is going to end up everywhere anyhow and thats the stuff you're concerned with. The belly, skid and skies are exposed but are easily sprayed off at a quarter car wash on low pressure. I uncover before spraying so I can spray the engine bay down again on low pressure. Run the sled a good long time after to dry it out somewhat. Use silicone spray everywhere, any time. You can't use too much.

I've trailered this way often and recommend getting it sprayed down ASAP both at your destination and when returning home depending on temps. If the road is dry on the way up I've just uncovered and ride but if it's sloppy, get the salt off ASAP. Bring a second blanket for use between the dirty cover and hood for the ride home. Wash the cover and blankets when you get home for the next time, they'll be soaked with abrasive salt water.

A covered trailer is the ticket and you still may end up with some rash on the paint that will be gone with wax but when on a budget not having one never kept me from riding.

Now that I'm older, standing outside with a spray wand before riding and after driving four hours might keep me home... on the river out my front door. :>)

All the best with your new toy. Have fun and be safe!
