88 exciter running poorly at full throttle


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Monee, IL
just revived an old exciter cleaned a bunch of gunk out of the bottom of the carbs and other odds and ends

the thing runs great up to 3/4 throttle very crisp and quick but if you gun it all the way its really boggy and running rich

I am unfamiliar with this style carb that has the external hose to the bowl and I am not even sure which jet to change to lean the top end although I am not sure thats the problem any help, info, ideas or guesses is appreciated

also disconected the tors or tss whatever you call it no change

its definately rich if I run it 1/2 to 3/4 for about 1/2 mile check the plugs nice color

run the same 1/2 mile full throttle pull the plugs black and dripping fuel

I thought you could change the main setting on these without changing the jets I have no idea how though
Got pictures? I don't remember my old '88 exciter having anything hoses running from the to the bowl. This is the only picture I scanned from film from about 10 years ago of mine. There are a lot of hoses on the VM carbs but some are just vents.

I'd make sure your needle height is correct and reclean the entire thing. Check
your plugs for the full story.


  • Scan11.jpg
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you see the hose on the left of your carb that goes down toward the bowl it connects to the bowl

this carb has the main jet that screws into the bowl rather that the needle jet and the needle jet has an extension that sticks into the bowl and is fed by the main jet through a channel in the bowl

anyhow when we took the carbs apart again the needle jets looked like they took an o-ring that sealed it off from the bowl so the fuel it pulled was meter by the jet

this o-ring was missing and fuel from the bowl was seeping in there

a quick trip to ACE and $1.28 this old rig is running nice
