I want to carry the following


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Nova Scotia Canada
2004 viper and i would like to carry the following...

14" chainsaw
shovel (back country telescopic version)

I do not want to have this kit attached to me in the form of a backpack but secured to my sled. Some sort of rack appratus that i could buy or build would allow me to carry the kit mentioned above and perhaps my lunch.

if anyone has suggestions on a rack to buy or can post a pic or 2 of something they built that just may inspire my creative side.

over the past 12 months or so the area i ride snowmobile and atv in has had a numer of windstorms, atv and snowmobile trails are blocked with blow downs. where travling over the snow is quicker than by atv it is an ideal time to clear out certian trails....thus the chainsaw.
I would think summer would be, just follow trails and cut and move.

a rack on back is probably your best bet.
Maybe a rack system with the same basic principle as the 'seat jack'? With/ without the rails? Maybe something you could bolt into the trunk?
Check for a chainsaw press, and then you can get something similar made for your snowshoes. But a rack over the back, mounted to the running boards and rear bumper. The presses can mount to the sides and you'd have a platform for a cooler or gas can. Also, try Google images for snowmobile and snowshoes. I think snow tech had an article last year about a customized bearcat with some of these things if you have back issues.
