dome removel


New member
Dec 9, 2010
So i decided to clean my carbs myself this time and was wondering the following things. Yes i did read the tech pages over and over again as this is my first time so wanted to make sure i'm doing it right.

I have to road bang it for a mile or so before i get to the lake, so i was wondering if this will change the coloring on the spark plugs when checking the mixture between 1/4 and 3/4 throttle? as well as my main jet?

Also i have read that checking the piston is another good way of reading how your engine is running. dosen't it leak coolant when you remove the domes?

I have a 2001 srx 700. Also one more quick question whats the differance between the srx700sf and the srx700f i believe it's "f" anyway?

Please need help hoping to do some trial runs by the end of the day. Oh ya do i need to change plugs every time i do these test runs to read my plugs proberly? Thanks a bunch for everyones help by hands down the most informative forum i have ever come across.
srx2fast said:
So i decided to clean my carbs myself this time and was wondering the following things. Yes i did read the tech pages over and over again as this is my first time so wanted to make sure i'm doing it right.

I have to road bang it for a mile or so before i get to the lake, so i was wondering if this will change the coloring on the spark plugs when checking the mixture between 1/4 and 3/4 throttle? as well as my main jet? YES IT WILL

Also i have read that checking the piston is another good way of reading how your engine is running. dosen't it leak coolant when you remove the domes? YES IT WILL. NEED TO DRAIN COOLANT BEFORE.

I have a 2001 srx 700. Also one more quick question whats the differance between the srx700sf and the srx700f i believe it's "f" anyway? NOT SURE. MAYBE SOMEBODY ELSE KNOWS THIS.

Please need help hoping to do some trial runs by the end of the day. Oh ya do i need to change plugs every time i do these test runs to read my plugs proberly? NO YOU DON'T. JUST MAKE SURE YOU RUN IT LONG ENOUGH IN BETWEEN TESTS TO GET COLOR ON THE PLUGS. Thanks a bunch for everyones help by hands down the most informative forum i have ever come across.

See my comments above.
I'm no expert, but checking piston wash is done with a pen light and a peek through the plug hole looking for correct wash or cleaning of carbon from the top of the piston at the transfer ports. The incoming fuel will "wash" or clean the top of the piston as it enters. I think there are photos of what you're looking for in FAQ. I'm old so I use a borescope but with a thin light that fits in the plug hole the top of the piston can be clearly seen.

New plugs will take a while to register color so use the old plugs you have and make multiple test runs (starting on the rich side) to get a consistant color. Make a change and again do a few runs and check.

If your SRX is stock (including jetting) you shouldn't have any part throttle lean issues so ride to your test location and then do plug checks/piston wash checks there before heading back for jet changes.

Anyhow, that's how I'd do it if I didn't have my test area out my front door.
So took my sled for a trial run yesterday. 2 min. from the house the belt starts squeeling. whats up with the squeeling? checked on the ty tech pages and other search's and people say check belt deflection, so i went out in the garage and looked at my belt. It sits all the way againest the fixed sheave in the primary. Ialso looked at the back side of the secondary to see if it had the washers in and i don't see any on the 3 bolts. could my clutch be out of alignment, I don't have a clutch alignment tool but will go buy one if it seems this could be the problem. i have never had this problem with any belt yet and have always bought the carlisle belts from royal. As for the trial run things seem to be going the way i want, plugs are looking like the right color. I didn't check piston wash but will do some more runs today to make sure my carbs are ok. sleds launchs like a bullet so am looking forward to get this squeel gone so i can hit the lake and make some noise. Any suggestions on the belt squeel?
srx2fast said:
So took my sled for a trial run yesterday. 2 min. from the house the belt starts squeeling. whats up with the squeeling? checked on the ty tech pages and other search's and people say check belt deflection, so i went out in the garage and looked at my belt. It sits all the way againest the fixed sheave in the primary. Ialso looked at the back side of the secondary to see if it had the washers in and i don't see any on the 3 bolts. could my clutch be out of alignment, I don't have a clutch alignment tool but will go buy one if it seems this could be the problem. i have never had this problem with any belt yet and have always bought the carlisle belts from royal. As for the trial run things seem to be going the way i want, plugs are looking like the right color. I didn't check piston wash but will do some more runs today to make sure my carbs are ok. sleds launchs like a bullet so am looking forward to get this squeel gone so i can hit the lake and make some noise. Any suggestions on the belt squeel?

Did you try washing the belt with soap and water?

The overwhelming recommendation here is to use a Yamaha belt.

Also, IMO an offset tool should be standard equipement in your tool box if you plan to keep the sled.
It seems the belt squeel has gone away. thankfully. I guess if i plan on doing these things i should get the proper tools but i guess all in time as i need them. my belt sits perfect in the secondary so hopefully it was just a new belt having to get worked in. i noticed though after a half hour ride my sheaves are very hot almost too hot too touch is this normal or is it time to change clutch components.
