viper electrical ??'s


New member
Mar 11, 2008
04 er and i have electrical problems. first of my battery went dead and did freeze. after thawing it out and charging it up i put it in and it cranks over just fine but nothing else. with key on i get no servo motor or no dash lights or tach movement. it cranks fine but everything else seems dead. i looked over all my connections and checked all my fuses (the one on the starter relay and the ones behind the battery) and they all are good. what am i missing ??
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last year i pulled the wiring harness from under the motor and ran it across the top of the carbs and down the left side rail after putting it in some plastic wire loom for added protection , i checked it and there isnt a mark on it anywhere.
ok so the battery shows 12.2 volts sitting there and drops to 9.3 while cranking. seems to crank good and strong. appears as the electrical system as far as everything else is just dead. nothing when i turn the key, no p.v. servo, but when i key on it almost sounds like the servo is trying to work.
stein700sx said:
Kill switch?

checked , double checked , triple checked , even quadruple checked that. even with the kill switch on doesnt the servo motor cycle at key on ??
blk04700 said:
checked , double checked , triple checked , even quadruple checked that. even with the kill switch on doesnt the servo motor cycle at key on ??

The servo does not cycle with the kill switch on. At least both my e start vipers don't. CCC
super1c said:
The servo does not cycle with the kill switch on. At least both my e start vipers don't. CCC

but it does cycle as soon as you put the key in the run position with the kill switch up right ?? thats whats puzzling me on mine, kill switch up , key to on position no servo noise.
No, can you start it with the rope? Did you try a new battery? A battery that was froze for the most part is dead. You can charge it and it can show full charge with meter but wont provide enough to work. If that makes since. Nothing happens to the gauage pod till the engine starts. When you said it sounded like the servo wanted to turn tells me battery shot. CCC
ill give a new battery a try. was thinkinh aslong the lines of its still at 10 volts while cranking and its held a charge for 4 days with a ton aof cranking so i should be good. but i'll give it a try.
no spark, put gas down plug holes and tried key and rope and nothing (key on and kill switch up).
Well i could be a million things. Coil, plug caps, CDI, stator. Do a search for NO SPARK and that should get you a good start for testing. I havent had to do that so its out of my knowledge base. Sorry hope someone chimes in. CCC
