Do I need a special crimping tool to do this? Thanks to some good advice on here I got all the old ones off. Now what to do so that I can go riding to tomorrow? Anyone have one in Toledo I can borrow for the evening??? Haha.........
There are two tools. A big hand crimper and one that uses a socket. My friend made one at his machine shop that was the socket type. It fits over the lugs and around the new clip. I don't like the hand one as I do not think it crimps as well. When you own a 06' Apex GT this tool is a must. I loose track clips almost every ride on that sled. If you buy one... they are expensive.
Thanks. Yup, so I have seen.
Sorry, another stupid question. What is the difference between track clips w/guides and the clips w/o? The local dealership sold me enough to each to do my track twice over.