Driveshaft twisted off


Jan 28, 2010
Out on the trails all of the sudden a loud noise and felt like it was in neutral. Checked underneath and the driveshaft sheared off right next to the outer drive cog nearest the chaincase. Anyone know how this could happen? It was only at 30mph and light throttle. I didn't see any significant ice buildup and I was able to push the sled 300 ft to the road so the track turned easily. I took the pipes, muffler and chaincase cover off, the chain and everything turns freely. Could the driveshaft bearing have seized up? I can't think of what else would have caused it.

guess i'll find out when i tear into it. Also anyone know if this will work?
Had the exact thing happen to my 2000 SRX 700. Dealer told me they replace drive shafts all the time due to hitting bumps with poor suspension. Mine broke because my front shock had the bolt come out so I was driving around with no suspension and put all the load on the front axle. Replace all your bearings and seals while you have it all apart and go thru everything on your skid while it is out.
No...the picture of the one in the link you supplied is off of a "Pogo" stick VMAX like the need a drive shaft off of a "Trailing arm" Yamaha. VMAX,MM, 97 or newer[not a 97 VMAX 4], 98 and up SRX, Venom, trailing arm Phazer or a Viper should all fit although the drivers may differ on the Mountain sleds.

Did the rear skid bearings in december but I don't think the driveshaft and jackshaft bearings have been changed in a long time. I bought it in feb of this year and I don't think the owner did much for maintenance.

would this work? I think i have different cogs on the outsides but I could just swap them over.

I'll replace the bearings while I'm in there. i've put 700 miles on this year so i'll replace the rear skid bearings again and plus do the driveshaft and jackshaft bearings & seals. Anyone ever order from these guys?

or this kit from ebay?
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You want one that has 6 drive cogs, some lower powered sleds only had 4 if I remember right. By 6 i mean every plastic cog has teeth on it, the ones with 4 dont have teeth on the outer cogs. That is if i remember right lol.
