02 CPR Viper 100MPH 1000' (timers)


Mar 7, 2004
Ham Lake, Mn
Well went out to the local NSSR race today and ran 700 improved stock (non pro). Ended up taking 3rd place (field of 8-10) with a best of 100.23 mph. ~900 ft and 33F. Sled was pretty consistent at 99 with a couple 100 passes. Just curious what others with CPR piped sleds are running in 1000' or other piped vipers for the matter.

My sled has an 1.25 predator with 192 studs and my 200 lbs person on it. I ran some 8bu-00 empty (dalton blue spring, 15.4mm rollers) with a 49r44 dalton heix (green @ 70). Pulled 8600 rpm out of the box and 9050 on top. Played around all day with those then finally went back to my trail setup.

Trail setup: Dalton DPR57.5 with 3 holes drilled down to 52.5 grams. Y-S-Y primary with 15.4 rollers. 52r46 dalton with green at 80. On and off all day the 8bu setup would sometimes have a warm to semi-hot primary, but the Daltons seemed to always be semi-hot. Clutches are alighed and clean. If I go any looser on the secondary, the clutch won't backshift for darn. Probably just need to add more weight to the primary and go to a smaller helix. RPMs were pretty spot on with the dalton setup and pulled great.
Bump.. Really, no CPR piped vipers or other piped vipers for that matter running 1000'? Plenty of 660 foot times, and times for SRXs.
