Installing pressed bushings on upper control arms???


New member
Feb 26, 2006
Corner Brook, NL
Hey I was wondering if anyone out there has any tips for how to install the pressed rubber busings that go on the inside of the upper control arms on the front end? I bought new control arms and they did not come with bushings already installed, annoying!
Do you mean the radius rod bushings, or trailing arm bushings? I need to replace my radius rod bushings too as they are worn. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they just push in by hand....
I'm talking about the pressed in rubber bushings with them metal insert that are located on the inside (under the exhaust) portion of the radius rods.....they are similar to the bushing on the trailing arm.

The bushings on the spindle side are an easy install, simply push them in with your thumb.
I went thru this last fall. I had a really hard time with a vicebench that I was told it was the way. After trying for a bit. I brought them to the dealer and they push them for me (free of charge of course) Same with the trailing arm bushing.

You need a press to do it right.

