I have an '03 Viper and Im thinking of moving up to something with a little better suspension
Just curious how the suspension on some of the newer four strokes such as RX1 stack up
Was riding with some friends this weekend and my Viper had lots of motor to keep up and pass most of them on the lake but if the trails got choppy at all i was lost
I am 6'1 240 lbs btw
Just curious how the suspension on some of the newer four strokes such as RX1 stack up
Was riding with some friends this weekend and my Viper had lots of motor to keep up and pass most of them on the lake but if the trails got choppy at all i was lost
I am 6'1 240 lbs btw
New member
How about installing a M-10 or Expert X suspension? I put an Ohlin M-10 on mine and it's much better in the bumps.
AndyC said:How about installing a M-10 or Expert X suspension? I put an Ohlin M-10 on mine and it's much better in the bumps.
Well I have considered that but would have to pay someone to do it and i think it could get costly
Just thinking of upgrading to a newer sled
New member
I think you will have to find a '06 or newer as the '03, '04, & i think '05 had the proaction still. put a different skid in the viper, then you can beat them on the lake & the trails. With a better skid, the viper will ride better than the RX1.
ottawaair said:I think you will have to find a '06 or newer as the '03, '04, & i think '05 had the proaction still. put a different skid in the viper, then you can beat them on the lake & the trails. With a better skid, the viper will ride better than the RX1.
So is it a big deal to install a new skid
Where wud I get one?
You know I luv this Viper and would love to keep it
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I cant imagine it bolts rite up
What kind of changes have to made to make it fit?
What kind of changes have to made to make it fit?
New member
Check out this link http://www.totallyamaha.com/ExpertX_M10/M-10Install_Pro.htm
if you are going to upgrade you should go with something that has a Mono skid in it. It would be cheaper to buy an M-10 than upgrade that far, especially if you like your Viper!
Sorry capn'Viper but ebay links are not allowed, site rules.
if you are going to upgrade you should go with something that has a Mono skid in it. It would be cheaper to buy an M-10 than upgrade that far, especially if you like your Viper!
Sorry capn'Viper but ebay links are not allowed, site rules.
no worries
I have a 2003 Viper (just rebuilt the engine at 823 miles) and a 2007 Apex Mountain. I really like them both, but there are BIG differences. As said earlier if you go to the four stroke get the 2006 up. An Apex rocks trails and roads. From 0 to 50mph not alot of speed diff but after 50 the Apex runs away from the Viper. Please note 2007 Apex has diff cam timing than an RX-1 and has ungodly torque.
Small trails = Viper hands down. Wider trails and anything groomed = Apex hands down. I like both but the girlfriend rides the Viper now as the Apex is so damn much fun. You can make jumps with the Apex that would send you to the doctor if done on a Viper.
And of course your mileage may vary....
Small trails = Viper hands down. Wider trails and anything groomed = Apex hands down. I like both but the girlfriend rides the Viper now as the Apex is so damn much fun. You can make jumps with the Apex that would send you to the doctor if done on a Viper.
And of course your mileage may vary....
ottawaair said:I think you will have to find a '06 or newer as the '03, '04, & i think '05 had the proaction still. put a different skid in the viper, then you can beat them on the lake & the trails. With a better skid, the viper will ride better than the RX1.
Yes yes yes!! I have had 03 RX1, 07 APEx, Nytro. The Viper will kill a RX1 and a Apex in the trails with a Skid!!!!

I would have to get someone to install that for me
What would have to be done to front suspension
What would have to be done to front suspension
Not much if any, the rear skid does so so so much!!!!
05 RX1 121" was the first year for the newer single shock suspension with the dail on the side of the tunnel.