Need help finding out what sliders I have!!


New member
Dec 25, 2010
Newton, NH
I just odered a set of woodys 6500-1 6" and they did not line up at all. Went back to the dealer and they pretty much had no idea what to tell me. So I ask you guys instead! here is a picture of what is currently in my sled. the skis say yamaha on them.

freeflow90 said:
Right side, but i was getting some plowing on winding trails. The po must have put newer skis on?

If the other is in the same or better shape I'd put it back on and find out why your plowing (do you mean pushing when turning as in little or no ski pressure?).

If you're pushing in the corners try adding a little front spring pressure or tighten the limiter straps or back off on the transfer rods if it's under accel.

I think 2001 they made a ski change but I can't say for sure. The pic also looks like a 8" skag so if you've got new 6" you're going backwards.

IMO - on hardpack not much difference between 6" and 8" except the 8" will last longer.
snomofo said:
If the other is in the same or better shape I'd put it back on and find out why your plowing (do you mean pushing when turning as in little or no ski pressure?).

If you're pushing in the corners try adding a little front spring pressure or tighten the limiter straps or back off on the transfer rods if it's under accel.

I think 2001 they made a ski change but I can't say for sure. The pic also looks like a 8" skag so if you've got new 6" you're going backwards.

IMO - on hardpack not much difference between 6" and 8" except the 8" will last longer.

Yes like there isnt as much ski pressure. which way do I adjust the springs looser or tighter? I assume tighter? this is the first year I have had any kind of issue with this.
freeflow90 said:
Yes like there isnt as much ski pressure. which way do I adjust the springs looser or tighter? I assume tighter? this is the first year I have had any kind of issue with this.

I'd suggest tightening the limiter straps first before messing with front spring height. And yes you'll want to shorten the spring with the two lock collars to increase ski pressure.

If this just started happening perhaps the limiter straps let go so check/adjust them first. Usually if something changes for no reason something is broken so check for the W-arm and for other worn/broken pieces. Have you ever had the skid out for service?
I bet the new ones you got the front 2 studs are farther apart ? like 5" center to center versus 3" c/c like old ones ? I bought a set myself for some yam. skis i had and same deal.If you look at the misplaced stud it lines up with a bolt that mounts saddle to ski.I havent taken mine off yet but you should be able to swap that bolt to other hole,then the carbide should fit.I dont know why its not welded in correct spot.I bought a SRX and it has same deal.Hope that is the problem ?
richierich said:
I bet the new ones you got the front 2 studs are farther apart ? like 5" center to center versus 3" c/c like old ones ? I bought a set myself for some yam. skis i had and same deal.If you look at the misplaced stud it lines up with a bolt that mounts saddle to ski.I havent taken mine off yet but you should be able to swap that bolt to other hole,then the carbide should fit.I dont know why its not welded in correct spot.I bought a SRX and it has same deal.Hope that is the problem ?

so there would be 1 hole in the ski with nothing in them? The parts store took them back and said the 00-02 ones will be in on friday ill see what they look like and get back to everyone
There is a bolt that holds the ski to saddle if it lines up with that remove the bolt and put in the second hole than install carbide.
I have run into this with aftermarket carbides. If you order the OEM Yamaha it will fit perfectly. I believe the aftermarket makes a general carbide that will fit with a little massaging from the installer. ie, redrilling, rebolting ect. The last carbides I ordered were from Roeten and they fit perfectly. Al
