Knotty Woodworker
New member
Anyone want to hook up for a TY ride in Newfoundland? What's needed to have a TY ride Mr. Sled, besides riders? Are there any guidelines to having a TY ride?
Not safe, ride and have fun!!! Always take pictures and shake your fellow TY users hand ....
New member
now we're talkin. i would help organize it for sure. i would do whatever it takes to have it here in newfoundland... any more volunteers...? hey tom do you really think it is possible. we have three local dealers here maybe they would be interested also.
Damn it would be tough for me to get there but you can still have your own...need to get more riders near you to get involved
New member
Tom wont even go to NH he wont make it to New Foundland lol.
LOL, I am going to try and go to New York Ride next year...