Re-coil rope keeps breaking


New member
Oct 18, 2009
First time I replaced the stock yamaha rope because it was starting to fray. Replaced it with a cheap looking nylon rope from local snowmobile shop and told him it was for a SRX and would this hold up and he said yes, should be no problem. That rope lasted for about 10 starts until one really cold night it was hard to pull over and snapped. Pulled it back out and replaced with cheap looking rope from another shop. Looked at the rope guides and noticed it was rubbing on the chaincase. I ran the rope inside of a piece of rubber fuel line and thought I was ok. Ive started the sled about 5-6 times on the BRAND NEW ROPE and once again, its a cold night and I snapped the rope again. Im going to call the yamaha dealer tomorrow to get some O.E.M rope but could someone please take a picture of the rope guides on their sled. I was looking at some online micro-fiche and saw a guide that I dont have on my sled. Thanks for any help and sorry for the long post.
if your rope appears to be wearing where it drags through the chaincase and the metal tab, try yamaha pt #8FF-1546C-00-00. its a plastic guide clip that installs in that spot and guides the rope. worked well for me.
