hot temps.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Hey guys i set my sled up last week when it was -13 degrees out. Now it's going to be 8 degrees on friday. I was a little lean in -13 weather and was going to make a it a little richer, do you think i'll be ok now that the temps are going up. so once again heres the scoop.
I was a little lean at -13 and on saturday it's going to be -3 degrees here in ontario. should i leave the fuel screw or adjust? whats the rule of thumb?
warmer temps go richer or leaner?
Fuel screws wont do anything for a lean condition,,,,, (unless you idle all day) that would be pilots, needles and main jet......... the warmer the weather the richer it will run........ leave alone unless it was running to lean,,,,,,,, I always run a little rich,, why chance it.......
when i was out it was -13 out and in the evening. i checked my plugs and they are very light brown almost even still white the further down you go. i just cleaned them and was making sure it was runnning ok. i still need to adjust the pilot screw, (sorry it was the pilot screw not fuel screw) the machine is to lean. it only needs about a 1/4 turn out i believe. so if i set it up rich i should be ok in say +5 degree weather. how does this affect the performance of the machine. i have a race i have to do which has be brewing up for 4 years now. Just me or the other guy has always be broke or something going on. there's been a whole lot of smack talking so i want to make sure i'm coming out top notch and won't have any time on saturday to do any adjustments. any input would be great. right now i'm like a sponge soaking in any info i can get. thanks to all for your input. thanks whammy
You can jet that srx pig rich( like for -30) and it will still run like a top! At +10. I suggest stock jetting and spend your time on clutching!
srx2fast said:
when i was out it was -13 out and in the evening. i checked my plugs and they are very light brown almost even still white the further down you go. i just cleaned them and was making sure it was runnning ok. i still need to adjust the pilot screw, (sorry it was the pilot screw not fuel screw) the machine is to lean. it only needs about a 1/4 turn out i believe. so if i set it up rich i should be ok in say +5 degree weather. how does this affect the performance of the machine. i have a race i have to do which has be brewing up for 4 years now. Just me or the other guy has always be broke or something going on. there's been a whole lot of smack talking so i want to make sure i'm coming out top notch and won't have any time on saturday to do any adjustments. any input would be great. right now i'm like a sponge soaking in any info i can get. thanks to all for your input. thanks whammy
Pilot screws and fuel screws are one and the same. Adjustment is only for idle! you need to adjust your needles and or mains for richer or leaner conditions!
