Precision Skis on a Viper?

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Has any one put a set of precision ski on a viper? If so which years of ski-doo should I look for? What's it evolved? Does it make a big difference? Thanks for the help.
Hey BrimG,
Don't know if it'll help or not but When I bought my Viper, it had a set of Precisions on it. They seem to do good on fresh trails> Minimal darting, tend to push a little in the deeper stuff but nothing that can't be handled. Lately around here everything is hard packed tundra basically. More darting, really a good arm workout.
Alot of guys prefer the pilot's over the precisions. Alot of opinions on the subject in the search area. Just type in "skis" or anything you want. I spend as much time searching as I do reading the everyday posts. Tons of info.
i had a set, nothing like em when they were on my srx, but tried them on my dads apex and dint really care for em, didnt care for em on my viper er either. they are pretty good on good trail but suck in any deep stuff. i like just putting doolys on my stock yamaha skis (the deep keel ones like what come on apex's and other newer sleds) they are an all around decent ski, doolys tend to push a little in the corners after they start getting wore down a little. not really bad though, takes care of the darting that you get (especially from following ski do skis) and still does good in the powder.
