excessive exhaust smoke


Feb 5, 2011
oshawa, ontario
i have a 2002 viper 700. it's my first sled. i know they smoke when running, but it seems to be too smoky. it's running rough and i am going to get carbs and power valves cleaned. would this help or can someone tell me what would cause excessive smoking. thanks for any help.
did you fog the motor before storing it last year? Or the previous owner? If its the first time running since being fogged/stored there will be a build up of oil in the exhaust that takes a bit of time to burn off.
Yeah, my 02 Viper smokes alot when idleing. Notice it more when first firing up the sled for a ride. Fuel screws are at 2 turns out to combat an idle hang. Once moving though I don't notice any excess smoke. :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
best part of a two stroke............... dont change a thing. i think someone should make a air freshner that smells like two stroke exhaust.
blk04700 said:
best part of a two stroke............... dont change a thing. i think someone should make a air freshner that smells like two stroke exhaust.

Thats just sick and twisted. That Amsoil really turns my stomach. Nasty smelling stuff.
Netefrog said:
Thats just sick and twisted. That Amsoil really turns my stomach. Nasty smelling stuff.

yamalube smells better when its burnt...... never smelled the amsoil so i couldnt tell ya.
I prefer a little excess smoke. Better too rich than too lean.

Mine is from my fuel screw set for lot's of fuel......
02ViperMtn said:
did you fog the motor before storing it last year? Or the previous owner? If its the first time running since being fogged/stored there will be a build up of oil in the exhaust that takes a bit of time to burn off.
not sure if it was fogged or not.
fill up fuel and oil and run until you have used at least half a tank gas. Then fill fuel and oil at the same time and do the math on your fuel/oil consumption and report back. It could be running a bit rich too. Better rich, but excessive rich can be bad too.
check if the oil cable hasn't been pulled out and stuck in full open position..mind you if it was,no way it would idle on its own..but check oil cable for spec settings.
good one blue. Check the cable ferrul is seated inside the bracket properly at the adjustment location. I think they may still idle even if it is pulled out
bluemonster1 said:
check if the oil cable hasn't been pulled out and stuck in full open position..mind you if it was,no way it would idle on its own..but check oil cable for spec settings.
will check this out. doesn't want to idle unless choke is on. thanks for the help.
02ViperMtn said:
was it the first start of the season? Is it brand new to you?
it's my first sled. don't know much about them. getting carbs and power valves cleaned on sunday, will check oil cable also. thanks.
