why does the bolt break in crossmember of limiters??


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Every year it seems I snap the bolt in the limiter strap cross member.And the little wing plate alao broke off this time.I drilled and used a bolt remover to get the broken end of the bolt out of the shaft.I welded the wing en d back on from both sides and did the other also.Grinded,painted and like new again.
Amazing one can shear a 3/8 " bolt clean off.If it is front hitting hard drifts or from landing.why then are the ones on my 600 never broken in 13,000 km's..
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I think I will back off the limiters just a tad also.Getting the lower shock back on the mount will be a pain in the azz....can I safely say... #$%&* #$%&* before it is done...yep!! ;)!
More weight on the front of the srx less height for bumps and the ability to pull the skis makes it more prone to break.

Bluemonster has read it like a bible and done the shimming and greaseing............i think!Maybie from jumping over rocks,culverts and stumps his sled has had it.... just to many bumps.
I have done all the tricks..extra grease zerks,metal shims..etc.Could be from a hard hit on something I guess.Also found 1 bracket cracked on 1 side,the one the w-arm bolts to.I had grease fittings in it also.I have 3 spare ones,so removed it..re-drilled and taped for zerks and back in.


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everything is back together and I didn't tighten the limiters as much..but usually have always had limiters on the loose side anyways.Hey..eevn if you put limiters to spec adjustment and straps are snug when sled up on stand,as soon as you put sled back on the floor and sit on it..the straps are loose again..so really straps only snug when the front end goes up or when you are air borne.
I jump my 600 10 times harder then I would even the SRX..and nothin ever breaks on its suspension..go figure.I have the limiters loose also and 0 preload on front skid shock..
did you do the bearing mod in the front shock? I believe if there is play it is that initial shock that snaps it if there is play. Also, the epoxy against the rails is great to take away vibration.
I did all this to my srx(viper suspernsion but really the same thing) and I have never had such a reliable sled.

When the trail is 2 foot deep holes/moguls after a big dumping of snow and it is all you can do to hold 90km's per hour.......I thought man....this thing HAS to have broken parts!.....NOTHING!
Time for an updated skid to handle the abuse you put it through....... with all the labor you've put in that it could even be gold plated........he he
actually I don't abuse the SRX,got my 600 for that.Just everyday riding,lot of rough places this year as usual.But I am thinking it is the torque that is causing it when I do catwalks with it.
I use small needle bearing in the shock ends instead of the plastic bushings that wear out.Basically the same bearings as are in the rear shocks.


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this is news to me lol! with 9k miles on my old 97 600sx I broke some stuff, but never that! nearly 9k miles on the wifes '00 sxr 600 and never any problems. just plain never had this happen to me, guess I have been lucky :)
try using better bolts? SHCS(socketheadcapscrews) are good bolts. I know I made a new front aluminium shaft once with regular 3/8 bolts and they didn't last one ride.
Ushally when this happens it takes the lip of the rail out with it.That is the lip that the mount in the first pic sits on.

If the lip is still intact i belive the bolt started to come undone and snapped at some point or the lip and mount are worn to the point were there is to mutch play to ever work properly.

Not knocking your work blue just being a lowly decipale trying to help.
there is a little wear on the rhs rail,hole is starting to get bigger,,but the bolt snapped on the lhs where the hole is still good..go figure..Not a biggie..I have a lot of spare bolts here.usually only happen once a season anyways..
I think becase the little wing that is attached to the shaft broke off..it made that side move a little more.Now that all is welded 3 times better then Yamaha did it..it should hold good....them Japs.....were's the quality here...lol
