01 SRX 700 help with modding please


New member
Feb 18, 2011
St.Williams, Ontario, Canada
I have a 2001 yamaha SRX 700. i just bought it 3 days ago. i am completly happy with it as for how it works and handles. but i want to mod it here abit and not sure as to what to get. it deffenatly is getting piped cause i want it to sound sweet. all though i been told it is useless putting pipes on it since it all ready has triple pipes stock. so if there is any gains from pipes and which is best to use.. and as far as clutching i have no clue where to go. i ride feilds n groom trailsnand drag the odd buddy. so which ever set up is best there i want that i deff dont want to loss any top speed be nice to gain some.

anyone have any ideas what to do i am new to playing around with sleds more less i always just rode them around and didnt bother playing around with them. all though i never really had a sled worth modding
n2o_333 said:
I have a 2001 yamaha SRX 700. i just bought it 3 days ago. i am completly happy with it as for how it works and handles. but i want to mod it here abit and not sure as to what to get. it deffenatly is getting piped cause i want it to sound sweet. all though i been told it is useless putting pipes on it since it all ready has triple pipes stock. so if there is any gains from pipes and which is best to use.. and as far as clutching i have no clue where to go. i ride feilds n groom trailsnand drag the odd buddy. so which ever set up is best there i want that i deff dont want to loss any top speed be nice to gain some.

anyone have any ideas what to do i am new to playing around with sleds more less i always just rode them around and didnt bother playing around with them. all though i never really had a sled worth modding
Don't put different pipes on it!!!!!!!!! If you really want it alittle bit louder and don't mind losing a few ponies put a Bender can on it. Clutching there are 1000's of setups to choose from but from what you said I would probably just use the Loaded 8dn-20 setup
No pipes. Put in a white/white/ white primary spring Put a 4.5 gram rivet in the bottom hole on your weights. You will have to drill out the rivet that's in there now. So u will need to pop off the primary clutch cover and take out the 3 weights. When u get that done get a 53/43 or 54/44 helix on the secondary clutch with a green spring in the 6 and 1 holes (70 wrap). Clean carbs and clean and set powervalves. You will be all gOod then. Total price if everything is bought new will be under 200 US dollars. You can probably find a good used helix for cheaper than new on this site. That is still a relativly stock setup but will be faster that stock. Good luck.
Keep the money you will pay out for a fine on ontario trails for the pipes/can and put it towords redueing the sled over as in wheel bearings ,

drive bearings, updated power valves, skid bushings, front end bushings, exshast springs, clutch parts.........................
they've pretty much covered it. skip the pipes/can. do the clutching. start reading through the tech section and old threads and do all your maintenance. carbs. powervalves. clutches. etc...etc..
the way I see it..you have about 3 years worth of things to do to it..test and test and swap and switch and put back and do it all over agaon..ask a few thousand clutching questions..get Turk pissed off and then start all over again..
man that sounds like me...lol
finally got my SRX running good and only took me 3 years...... ;)!
like bluewho stated..do the important stuff first..bearings,bushings,rebuild clutches,over haul skid..get it back to where it was new and see how it feels and then go nuts on clutching and spend $1000's just to get 1 or 2 mph more..lol
Blue don't burst his bubble so quick:). He has to learn and unlearn and learn again like the rest of us. Lol
They are all correct with bearings, bushings, and such. Its gotta be close to new to go as fast as it did when new.
i have the same sled... i spent all last summer replacing every bushing and bearing and fixing anything that looked damaged or wore out. the thing is awesome and plenty fast.
ive had my srx for 3 years ... this is my second year riding and tuning it and i am finally learning the clutching stuff...
i re-did all drive bearings(sucked),new track,total skid overhaul,all oversized wheels,nice updated powervalves,and keep up with maintenance clean carbs and generally check over the sled i finally feel like my sled is super tight like-new and fast its a different sled from what it was last year... all i can say is search feature here works great if not you can find tons of people to bother with questions lol

p.s my sled came with an mbrp can if you want ill trade you for your stock can... it will sound sweet
ok thanks so far but here is what my more less objective is i want to build this thing fast as hell to 100-110mph thats it cause there isnt anywhere i really going to go any faster. so i need clutching and what ever else i need to do to it for that... power valves are brand new in it mckees deaership here just did them before i picked it up carbs are clean .. bushings and bearing all seam and look new in the suspension track area.. i am going to can it i think as i have been told from buddy dont waste money on pipes it has triple stock n are good from factory.. so can wise i am thinking mbrp race cans unless theres something better that sounds good. n all u guys are saying not to pipe them n fines on ontario trails if i go up north i wiill put stock can on around here i have no worries in lake eire area
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n2o_333 said:
ok thanks so far but here is what my more less objective is i want to build this thing fast as hell to 100-110mph thats it cause there isnt anywhere i really going to go any faster. so i need clutching and what ever else i need to do to it for that... power valves are brand new in it mckees deaership here just did them before i picked it up carbs are clean .. bushings and bearing all seam and look new in the suspension track area.. i am going to can it i think as i have been told from buddy dont waste money on pipes it has triple stock n are good from factory.. so can wise i am thinking mbrp race cans unless theres something better that sounds good. n all u guys are saying not to pipe them n fines on ontario trails if i go up north i wiill put stock can on around here i have no worries in lake eire area
You don't want to put an exhaust can on it either unless you REALLY want it to be louder. No matter what can you put on it the sled is going to lose horsepower.
I don't know about lake erie but on simcoe the opp are out in force every day. they pull over everything that moves. In my opinion it's a little on the harassment side. they gave one guy a 1400 dollers in fines today on the lake. If your just looking to get 100-110 mph from what i have read on here most stock sleds should do almost that if not that. JUst clutch it you'll notice a hugh difference. Be wary of the can or pipes i see guys getting tickets for them all the time, but in the end it's your choice and i do agree they do sound nice. I guess it depends on how big of a wallet you have to pay the fines.
srx2fast said:
I don't know about lake erie but on simcoe the opp are out in force every day. they pull over everything that moves. In my opinion it's a little on the harassment side. they gave one guy a 1400 dollers in fines today on the lake. If your just looking to get 100-110 mph from what i have read on here most stock sleds should do almost that if not that. JUst clutch it you'll notice a hugh difference. Be wary of the can or pipes i see guys getting tickets for them all the time, but in the end it's your choice and i do agree they do sound nice. I guess it depends on how big of a wallet you have to pay the fines.

where i am cops r never out if i go up north barrie, huntsville area i will make it quiter i want i louder then it is now no matter what and yes it does do that speed i am wanting but i want it to get to that speed a hole lot faster then is is now i do realize i am going to loss top end with a can but they gain in bottom and mid so basicly i just want a sled that picks up and goes like hell from one corner to the other i am going to try what that guy posted all ready and see what it does cause here its all more less field riding a on the groom trail theres no where thats really long to make it goes super fast i can get it well over 100mph easy just want to get there faster
i'm not sure what clutch setup or gearing to do to get your sled running the way you want, i'm new to all this as well. I have read tech pages over and over and over again to educate myself on my sled and different setups that guys use. Maybe you should check there and do some research to see what resaults guys are getting with different setups. I do know however first hand there's tons of opp in huntsville, barrie, orilla, lake simcoe, bancroft. I have seen them everywhere this year, they haven't been as bad in previous years as this one. I don't know why there out so much but it's getting crazy. Like i said they were ticketing everyone on simcoe today. they were setup right where evryone gets on and off the lake handing out fines like they were candy canes on xmas. I would do your clutching and gearing as the guys on here say. I have asked a many ? and have gotten dead on advice. This site is full of a wealth of information that can really help and applies to the ? your asking. Good luck i will be doing the same next year, let the fun begin
n2o_333 said:
where i am cops r never out if i go up north barrie, huntsville area i will make it quiter i want i louder then it is now no matter what and yes it does do that speed i am wanting but i want it to get to that speed a hole lot faster then is is now i do realize i am going to loss top end with a can but they gain in bottom and mid so basicly i just want a sled that picks up and goes like hell from one corner to the other i am going to try what that guy posted all ready and see what it does cause here its all more less field riding a on the groom trail theres no where thats really long to make it goes super fast i can get it well over 100mph easy just want to get there faster

While you may not get any tickets, you aren't doing the sport any favors by pissing off folks that don't like the sound.

If your town is like most, sledders are in the minority so the vast majority of citizens don't care to hear a well tuned triple.

The only opinion they may have about snowmobiling is based the loud sled they heard last night that woke up the baby. If it comes time for a vote on a proposed trail or legislation banning sleds within the city, how do you think they'll vote?

Do us all a favor and leave the stock can on it. Sorry for sounding preachy and don't take my comments personal, but they're is no reason to swap it out (performance wise) other than a selfish one.

Your rights end when they affect another's...

Work on the clutch - that's where you'll find the most gains... cheap too!

