srx, 92mph in a 1000ft.....


VIP Member
Oct 23, 2008
southern maine
just as it says, sled was running strong but i spun off the line for what i would say 300 feet(i know it sounds like a long ways but i have the video to prove it) I am assuming that I could easily add another ten miles per hour if i had a track that hooked up. Is this right? i have a few picks but they did nothing on the ice. i was hoping for at least a 100mph. what can i expect with an all stock srx?
92mph in 1000 ft with a stock 700 trail sled with carbide studs really isn't too bad. But with a little work you could deffinantly see 100. Did you get the pipes good and hot before the run? Did you clear the skid/track out before your run? (For the last two you will need a proper stand with a shield) Were you letting your sled idle the whole time you were waiting in line for your turn to run? (Don't)
Where were your RPMS at WOT? Do you have any track/slider spray lube? Tucked down behind the wind shield. Carbs synced? Valves adjusted? Plugs gapped? LOL Without sounding like a know it all dink all these things should be done and or concidered when you hit the ice to win.
i did everything but clear skid/track. i think the spinning really hurt me. i will see next year, as i am now looking for a new track.
Hey. Altitude makes a difference as well as cold conditions. I average around 102-104 stock track pixx and tons of testing and clutch work. It will be alot of work to get over a hundred. You can just show up and get those speeds.. People talk on here about 110 and stuff but there altitude is below sea level and that is the highest. One time thing. I would say a stock set up sled with good clutching should go around 100 or so.
If you were spinning for 300', you overshifted your clutches, and they would never recover. I see this with 95% of the trail guys who want to run radar.....they all jam it out of the hole. When running trail studs, for radar, you need to roll into it slowly to prevent this, and you will see much better mph.
j2hizzo said:
just as it says, sled was running strong but i spun off the line for what i would say 300 feet(i know it sounds like a long ways but i have the video to prove it) I am assuming that I could easily add another ten miles per hour if i had a track that hooked up. Is this right? i have a few picks but they did nothing on the ice. i was hoping for at least a 100mph. what can i expect with an all stock srx?
You should be over 100mph easy. My sled has run 104-106mph in 1000' completely stock except for 144 trail studs and my clutch setup and a light rider (140lbs) With me on it and I am pushing 300lbs it will run consistant 100.??mph everytime
some speeds

well the record on ice in 1000' is 114.893 2000 SRX 700 Yamaha 2/28/2009 Annandale by Mrs Sandy Reid with NSSR. It and our sled runs a consitant 109 still trying to break that 110 to 115 mph barrier. We have called it the saran wrap stage GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will get there still trying to get the 1998 SRX 600 to break that 105 mark. Jeremy Reid 108.270 1998 SRX Yamaha 2/13/2010 Forest Lake has that record more saran wrap stages all kinds of fun. Back to the basics! :yrules: :yam:
Team Parent Racing said:
well the record on ice in 1000' is 114.893 2000 SRX 700 Yamaha 2/28/2009 Annandale by Mrs Sandy Reid with NSSR. It and our sled runs a consitant 109 still trying to break that 110 to 115 mph barrier. We have called it the saran wrap stage GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will get there still trying to get the 1998 SRX 600 to break that 105 mark. Jeremy Reid 108.270 1998 SRX Yamaha 2/13/2010 Forest Lake has that record more saran wrap stages all kinds of fun. Back to the basics! :yrules: :yam:
HE HAS A TRAIL SLED!!!!! Not a RACE sled!!!!!! By the way the record on ice for a trail sled is 107.596mph by Jeremy Reid
j2. where did you run? i was hoping to run at pleasant pond today to see what it would do on ice but had to work. we did 101.9 in 1000ft on snow last weekend. hoping for around 115 on ice but might be overly optimistic
With some tuning you should be able to get your sled to go over 100 mph. I get the fact that he's running trail stock but he should still be able to get over that 100 mph mark. By the way my dad was the tech director for NSSR for 15 years so we are aware that there is a difference between classes.
I dont see to many SRX stockers running 104-106 in mn. GOOD speeds! Its hard to believe someone running 104-106 with trail studs... and no speed track.. Although i saw my buddy rick run 105.5 with speed track and titanium chizels! 22-38 gearing... heavy springs though. .
bojisrx said:
I dont see to many SRX stockers running 104-106 in mn. GOOD speeds! Its hard to believe someone running 104-106 with trail studs... and no speed track.. Although i saw my buddy rick run 105.5 with speed track and titanium chizels! 22-38 gearing... heavy springs though. .
yep did it 2010 at the Dennis Kirk Speed Run in Rush City and it wasn't even good enough for a 3rd place trophy that day!! Ran 102 in Hackensack with my fat -ss on it.
105 with a speed track isn't even in the ballpark around here.
Team Parent Racing said:
With some tuning you should be able to get your sled to go over 100 mph. I get the fact that he's running trail stock but he should still be able to get over that 100 mph mark. By the way my dad was the tech director for NSSR for 15 years so we are aware that there is a difference between classes.
So why give him numbers for the stock class records?? TOTALLY different sleds! :dunno:
Just putting it out there that an SRX 700 is capable of going over 100 mph whether it's stock or trail stock. That in MN in a 1000' at a NSSR sancationed race a stock 700 SRX can reach speeds up to 114 and like you said a Trail Stock 700 can reach 107 mph. Like I said we are very aware they are two different classes and different sleds. It's not like I am on here to throw it in someone's face that they are going 92. Just stating that it is possible to get your sled to go faster. I hope next year you're coming out to run in the Stock 700 class and have 3 SRX's go at it 4 if Eric and Sandy come out. Did you happen to see the guy that threw his track at Dennis Kirk?
Team Parent Racing said:
Just putting it out there that an SRX 700 is capable of going over 100 mph whether it's stock or trail stock. That in MN in a 1000' at a NSSR sancationed race a stock 700 SRX can reach speeds up to 114 and like you said a Trail Stock 700 can reach 107 mph. Like I said we are very aware they are two different classes and different sleds. It's not like I am on here to throw it in someone's face that they are going 92. Just stating that it is possible to get your sled to go faster. I hope next year you're coming out to run in the Stock 700 class and have 3 SRX's go at it 4 if Eric and Sandy come out. Did you happen to see the guy that threw his track at Dennis Kirk?
sorry we didn't get off on the right foot here on No I didn't make it up to Dennis Kirk. I should have a stock class sled next year it will just depend on if i can get my brother inlaw to commit to riding it at the NSSR events. I know I should have a capable sled but not with me on it. I've been getting some good clutching info from a few guys so I will have to see what works best in stock class form. NSSR doesn't allow any kinda engine mods correct? I am going to rebuild my engine this summer just to have a fresh engine and I would like to do some porting but if I remember right NSSR doesn't allow it. I got one question for you about your gas tank. I know it says you can run a smaller gas tank inside of the original tank but how can you do it? can you cut out the front of the stock tank and set a smaller tank inside? Hi-performance engineering has a dual tank setup that would work great for slide lube and fuel and it should fit right inside the original tank.
