Tightening track to compensate for pulling


VIP Member
May 25, 2003
Brevort, MI
SRX is pulling to the right out of the hole and I have to lean to the left.

Its been a while but Which side to tighten or loosen the track to compensate to make it go straight.
You must be hooking up good for that to happen! Its been a while for me to but i would pull the left limiter down for that and a little on the adjuster same side.
could probably do it with just pulling down the limiter strap on the side that lifts higher. for the track i just run it for a few seconds and make sure it is centered on the rails, the track will always travel towards the loose side. if there is the same amount of gap on both sides between the lugs and the rails then it is centered.
I will measure the amount of track margin edge from the rear idlers on both sides.

will also precisely measure each limiter strap from the threads on up. I have found this to be pretty accurate
bluewho said:
You must be hooking up good for that to happen! Its been a while for me to but i would pull the left limiter down for that and a little on the adjuster same side.
192 1.080 gold diggers with stock track on backwards
That will do it....i had more luck installing a small cross shaft like the centre wheels have and installing limiters that go over the top axle and around it.Like other brand skids have closer to the outside of the w arm. than you run 4 limiters.
Adjust your transfer rods...If its pulling left, decrease the top gap on the left side and if it pulls right decrease the right transfer rod top gap. I always used my adjustable transfer rods to get a straight launch at the drags.

Worked for me!

sideshowBob said:
Adjust your transfer rods...If its pulling left, decrease the top gap on the left side and if it pulls right decrease the right transfer rod top gap. I always used my adjustable transfer rods to get a straight launch at the drags.

Worked for me!

Thanks for the tip Bob,

That almost sounds backwards though. Just trying to play out the physics in my head.
I think I finally made a video clip in my head,

since Its pulling to the right, I can just take the small thin plastic white shim from the right side and move it over to the left side,

It will put more pressure on the the left side and straighten me out
I reworded this post and reposted it to read a little better.

Its about the initial weight transfer when you launch. The sled will pull to the side the weight is thrown to. So you want less transfer rod travel on the side the sled is pulling to.
Just imagine the back of the sled...if one side collapses or drops more then the other it will go in that direction. It also has a bit to do with initial track pressure as you launch because the track pressure will be higher initially on the side that does not have as much travel. Experiment a little with the transfer rod travel it will become clear fairly qyickly.

tomseal6 said:
I think I finally made a video clip in my head,

since Its pulling to the right, I can just take the small thin plastic white shim from the right side and move it over to the left side,

It will put more pressure on the the left side and straighten me out
if you are playing with the transfer rods then it would be th opposite. put another shim on the right side.
Is there somebody that could send me abut a 6MM shim or has an extra shim laying around for stock transfer rods
I just went to the hardware store and got some plastic shims with the same inner diameter. They were a little big on the outter diameter so I just ground them down to fit and it worked fine.
can you post pics?


So since its pulling a bunch to the right, how much thickness in shims would you say to try?

Also, I just add it to the top part of the right tansfer rod ?
get a szet of adjustable rods and you don't have to play around with different shims.My SRX pulls to the right when I launch..so will try this trick...1 turn at a time until she flies straight.
I thought about buying a set but have other things on my list. If I can get it straight or near perfect I will be happy.
If it pulls right you would add the shims to the top gap of the right transfer rod. I have always had adjustable rods right from my first 99 SX. I don't know how thick a shim you would need as it all depends on hard hard it pulls to one side and it will vary depending on traction and x-wind conditions.
I helped an SRX stock class drag racer, back in the day by getting round stock nylon rod of the right diameter, drilling the centre out to the proper spacer inside diameter, cut various pairs of thickneses, then I cut a notch out of them so they were a tight "C" shape. we then would snap them on or off the transfer rod without having to pull them appart...he could then adjust his transfer rod gaps for different track conditions and get thru stock class tech inspection!

Its all about an interpretation of the rules!

