New member
No way. Throw him a life jacket and explain that pwc season aint for another 4 months.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Depends on the defintion of "help". Inform him of the wonderful world of yamaha...sure! Tell him about a couple of yamahas that you seen for sale....sure! Offer the pics to post on ""...sure! All kidding aside a sledder is a sledder, even if they havent seen the light at the end of a yamis tunnel! Be the better man and give em a hand and a good razzin!
I found a guy down the road with a truck to pull him out. I did this only after he blew a belt trying to "ride" it out. Belt debris all in the water. Was quite the scene.
Absolutely...we are Yamaha guys! We are the "Knights" of the trails. We never stoop to their level and we never let them see us sweat!
New member
i love seeing ditch pickles broken down trailside or in distress. i always offer assistance... and am smiling/laughing the whole time under my helmet! some guys will never get it.
New member
I have a tow kit in the back of my sled that has had a fair bit of use, but it has never been used for my sled, only others.
Number one most popular brand of sled that needs to be towed by me= Arctic Cat.
Fun when I had a '98 Vmax 600, with 18,000KM on the motor that had never had any work done, tow out a brand new 2009 arctic cat 1000 whos turbo had overheated and lit the sled on fire. Made my old iron look(and feel) like a hero. To say the guy was a little red in the face when he saw what was towing him home would be an understatment.
Number one most popular brand of sled that needs to be towed by me= Arctic Cat.
Fun when I had a '98 Vmax 600, with 18,000KM on the motor that had never had any work done, tow out a brand new 2009 arctic cat 1000 whos turbo had overheated and lit the sled on fire. Made my old iron look(and feel) like a hero. To say the guy was a little red in the face when he saw what was towing him home would be an understatment.
New member
In this case I am almost positive that the problem isn't the Arctic Cat.
yes it is... If he owned a yamaha he would of thought more of his snowmobile than ride it through that mess! i know i would lol!
Wayne084 said:In this case I am almost positive that the problem isn't the Arctic Cat.
New member
I,m not sure, but I think my yamy would blow right out of there!
his clutch must not engage high enough!
his clutch must not engage high enough!
he is obviously a complete idiot for riding through there but I always stop and offer my assistance to anybody in trouble ON THE TRAIL!! If he is OFF TRAIL then stop ,point and laugh your _ss off and ride away!!!!
i would help him myself. it was me 4 weeks ago and a cat rider stopped and helped me out after i rolled my rx.
not very bright hu, looks to me like there is a way around that hole, but if i were to be in a situation where i was crossing something like that i dont think i would have slowed down enough to give it a chance to sink any.
...people always talk about getting into trouble with too much power, but having a little extra power has gotten me out of more bad situations than it has gotten me into.
...people always talk about getting into trouble with too much power, but having a little extra power has gotten me out of more bad situations than it has gotten me into.