Should I Help Him???

Depends on the defintion of "help". Inform him of the wonderful world of yamaha...sure! Tell him about a couple of yamahas that you seen for sale....sure! Offer the pics to post on ""...sure! All kidding aside a sledder is a sledder, even if they havent seen the light at the end of a yamis tunnel! Be the better man and give em a hand and a good razzin!
I found a guy down the road with a truck to pull him out. I did this only after he blew a belt trying to "ride" it out. Belt debris all in the water. Was quite the scene.
i love seeing ditch pickles broken down trailside or in distress. i always offer assistance... and am smiling/laughing the whole time under my helmet! some guys will never get it.
I have a tow kit in the back of my sled that has had a fair bit of use, but it has never been used for my sled, only others.

Number one most popular brand of sled that needs to be towed by me= Arctic Cat.

Fun when I had a '98 Vmax 600, with 18,000KM on the motor that had never had any work done, tow out a brand new 2009 arctic cat 1000 whos turbo had overheated and lit the sled on fire. Made my old iron look(and feel) like a hero. To say the guy was a little red in the face when he saw what was towing him home would be an understatment.
yes it is... If he owned a yamaha he would of thought more of his snowmobile than ride it through that mess! i know i would lol!

Wayne084 said:
In this case I am almost positive that the problem isn't the Arctic Cat.
I,m not sure, but I think my yamy would blow right out of there!
his clutch must not engage high enough!
he is obviously a complete idiot for riding through there but I always stop and offer my assistance to anybody in trouble ON THE TRAIL!! If he is OFF TRAIL then stop ,point and laugh your _ss off and ride away!!!!
i would help him myself. it was me 4 weeks ago and a cat rider stopped and helped me out after i rolled my rx.
not very bright hu, looks to me like there is a way around that hole, but if i were to be in a situation where i was crossing something like that i dont think i would have slowed down enough to give it a chance to sink any.
...people always talk about getting into trouble with too much power, but having a little extra power has gotten me out of more bad situations than it has gotten me into.
