primary compatabilty


New member
Dec 9, 2010
hey guys i bought a used primary off a guy awhile back as some of you may know. The sheaves near the shaft have hair line cracks in them. so i got on TY and started asking if this was normal, everyone said no there heat cracks and is completly no good and dangerous to ride my sled like that. So i took the primary back to the guy and showed him and he said their casting marks. Now i work in the steel industry and deal with aluminium on a daily bases. as far as i know if a part has been casted there should be no cracks what so ever, this to me is commen sence. He advised me that these cracks are normal on srx's is this true? He did replace it with a clutch out of an 07 what sled i don't know. It looks to be the same, is there anyway i can check to make sure it will fit my sled? are all primarys the same? i have an 2001 srx 700. any help here would be great as i haven't done much riding and only have a couple weeks in the season if i'm lucky. so i would love to try and get this clutch in before the season's over. thanks
Are the cracks in the clutch on the face (running surface) or on the back side?
clutch smoked

My clutch is also toast,, bushings weights,ect.did not wanna spend big money,,so I just got a used p85 off a 95 xlt tripple,,,hope it fits,,Should be here today. very little info about doing conversion? wish me luck,, o ya 135 to door.,
just a suggestion
i asked the same question an didnt get much info but make sure it goes on all the way becuase i wanna say yami or the poos crank stubs are longer i dont rember wich one
ya, I guess there are 4 styles of p85,s,,,,most threads I,ve read have lots of conflicting info!!!!!!!!!!! I thought enough of them said xlt tripple more times than others saying no,,,,, I,m gonna see anyways,,If not I,ll sell and try another! Seems many use it ,,,,,,,,,,,but little details about it ,,
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the cracks are all on the running side down near the shaft. thier not on the flanged part but on the 1/2" part thats flat near the shaft. i will try and post pics later.
Sounds like my old clutch. It was cracked down in the center also. Needs to be replaced if the sheaves are cracked. Runs the risk of exploding and hitting you. Need to see pics to make sure.
Being as clutch was exchanged for one out of an unknown 07 sled I would think the cracks are a mute point. Being as they replacement was an 07 unknown I would have to say that is no where enough info to even guess whether or not it will work on 01 srx 700
If it was bolted to shaft incorrectly (air wrench) may have stressed it,, along with crank bearings..........Hope not the latter.........
how would i know if the crank bearings are damaged or worn. is there a serial number on the back of the clutch so i could cross reference it or even a part number anything. Pics i'll have to get next week i'm going out of town till monday so i won't have time.
i have pics but my computer keeps freezing up so i'll try again later. Is it normal for the server to take awhile to upload pics or is it my slow a$$ computer
Make sure they meet the requirements for height and width as well as total size of file.
