failing SRX brakes


New member
Feb 23, 2011
My son rides my 98 srx 600 and he lost the brakes. I checked fluid it was fine , he lost them again I changed master cylinder he lost them again I changed the line the pads the caliper bleed them them. Then I went out with him tonight and we both lost our brakes i ride a 02 srx. we ride VERY hard with heavy throttle and hard breaking. Are they just getting to hot and failing ? what can I do ? not to mention his buddy was with us with his mxz 600 and he said his were getting weak but we had nothing ???
Did you use the new dot 4 synthetic fluid, also make sure not to overlook the inside bleeder screw on the caliper. I missed this when I changed the fluid in master cylinder. There is a fresh air duct that cools the rotor, make sure its there. Just spitting out some ideas.
ya i used the correct fluid, I bled the inside screw first as your suppose too. I will check for the cooling duct. In the morning I am actually thinking of making some kind of cooling duct like nascar uses on short tracks. Just concerned about getting to much snow dust in there. I really do think its an over heating issue where it happened to both machines on the same ride. Wonder if there is a brake upgrade I can put on them ?
check the run out on your brake disc. i've replaced mine a couple of times because they warp and then they push the caliper pistons back further than one squeez of the lever will move them. if they return with a couple pumps thats your problem.
There is two things i would try.Replace the stock roters with wave style and a light weight hub while you are in there.Icrease preload on secondary spring for better backshift and slowing down.

Also if you have a adjustable brake handle on the 02 have it so it is set for the farthest stoke.And as mentioned check if the cooling deflecter is still there.

Factory pads?There are different brake lining materials.The cheaper ones usually fade bad.In this case you would still feel the press. in the lever,but it just wouldn't stop.
make sure your cooling duct is there ... and what kind of riding are you doing... on both of the 01 srx here you have to be careful with braking from very high speeds it seems easy to boil/overheat the brakes... but since i flushed and changes fluids i havent felt any fading yet... brake fluid collects water in return lowering boiling point and reducing performance and resisting to fading ...
great feed back, I really appreciate it. today the 98 ate a set of brand new shoes the best ones I could get at my local sled shop. so I put a new (used 98 caliper ebay ) on it today but the brake line attaches on the opposit side of the caliper making the brake line to short so I had to reroute it to get full left steer and its pretty close to the pipes ( 1 inch )hoping it doesn't get to hot. We leave tomorrow for the weekend for a 3 day ride and I have a real bad feeling i'm not out of the woods yet seems I may need a new rotor after reading some of these post.I will do everything bluewho said when I get back, just wish I would of read this sooner becuase I don't have time to do all that before I leave. 10pm now leaving at 6am
