01SRX tac and spedo flicker #2 cylinder not fireing


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Evansville WI
Hi all i have an 01 srx the tack and spedo lights are flickering on and off where do i start
also #2 cylinder is not fireing at an idle.
also how do you get rid of the discoloration on the side and belly pans from stress tried heat gun for a few seconds now the spot is light blue any other options besides replacing?
use the search feature above and you'll find lots of info under "rub through" or "stator" or "plugged pilots".

because of the 2 issues you mention, I'd start by looking for rub throughs on the wires near your carbs and chain case and on the wires that run below your engine. you can unplug the ones below your engine and pull them back but making sure that you can still see the connectors from the front. You can also check the wires under the handlebar pad.

If that doesn't fix it, you can try to checking for spark with the plugs out. Try with different plugs and then swap the coils to see if the problem moves.

You can also remove and clean your carbs, but since your lights are flickering, I'd say both are related and carbs aren't your issue.

How does the sled run otherwise? a stator issue would impact more than idle.
