Ran great two days ago. took her out in the fresh powder today, just didnt have the normal power, kind of like running on 2 cylinders, but plugs were all perfect, idle was fine, and sounds healthy.
powervalves were cleaned less than 200 miles ago.
simmons tripple pipes with a bender opticool headgasket.
only hit the overheat light the first time i took it out and it's been fine since. so i dont think thats a problem
huge drop in power, doesn't like getting to high rpm's, almost like a rev limiter feeling when you get there.
i read a similar thread where similar problems were caused by a bad reed.
any help would be greatly appreciated. i really want to get back out riding
powervalves were cleaned less than 200 miles ago.
simmons tripple pipes with a bender opticool headgasket.
only hit the overheat light the first time i took it out and it's been fine since. so i dont think thats a problem
huge drop in power, doesn't like getting to high rpm's, almost like a rev limiter feeling when you get there.
i read a similar thread where similar problems were caused by a bad reed.
any help would be greatly appreciated. i really want to get back out riding
New member
Carbs clean? Maybe some water in the gas? clutch working smooth? When you say it's like a rev limiter, does it sputter or seem like it's not getting the fuel that it needs? Or does it seem electrical?

Try bypassing the TORS and see if that takes care of it.
yeah carbs were cleaned very recently
it was snowing when i filled it up last night, but i did my best to cover the fillhole with my hand while i did, so i doubt water, but it is possible..
i suppose it felt like it was more of a fuel issue than electrical as far as "revlimit feeling"
i'll try bypassing the tors and get back to you
it was snowing when i filled it up last night, but i did my best to cover the fillhole with my hand while i did, so i doubt water, but it is possible..
i suppose it felt like it was more of a fuel issue than electrical as far as "revlimit feeling"
i'll try bypassing the tors and get back to you
no more rev limit feel, must have been a combination of the powerloss and heavy snow.
didnt bother with the tors yet
still a definite loss of power however, again like it was only running on 2 cylinders(just powerwise)
ran it on a very long straitaway where i normaly have no problem hitting 115+ and have to let off. it wouldnt do over 100.
still no bad noises, idle is fine, no flashing lights, i have no clue what is wrong with my baby =(
didnt bother with the tors yet
still a definite loss of power however, again like it was only running on 2 cylinders(just powerwise)
ran it on a very long straitaway where i normaly have no problem hitting 115+ and have to let off. it wouldnt do over 100.
still no bad noises, idle is fine, no flashing lights, i have no clue what is wrong with my baby =(
Start with the simple things and do a compression test. Take Power Valves out again and see if you have a pull thru. Did you adust the Power Valves? What do your plugs look like? Are they gapped correctly? What RPM are you hitting? Did you clean and inspect the clutches?
i decided to adjust the powervalves while i was at it and noticed the tripple pipes had melted the casing of one of the PV cables, after adjusting them it seems like it came back to life, that PV must have gotten stuck. i guess ill have to get some insulation on them.