100 mph... :)


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Well let me start by saying I thought only some finely tunned SRX's could reach the 100 + mph. Mine never did from when I got it two years ago. today I reached 100 mph, and it still had some left. Woho! I still have a few issues to fix right now, new sliders, power valves, bleeding coolant. But I think soon I will have a rocket, I never knew existed...
going 100 mph on a sled isnt slow to me. everytime i get up and over 100 it is a great feeling. my fastest was 116 in 1100 ft
watching the needle climb to 100 is when i start to pay attention... its not slow by any means but an srx is capable of about 10-15 more mph in relatively stock trim
Had My 02 Srx Up To 114.2 Mph Today In 2000ft 118mph Won The Stock 700 Witch Was Also A Srx 700 Trail Stock
markmoped..it all depends on the conditions to.Last week I was at 110 on speedo,today couldn't get past 100.Few years back hit 118 on bare ice..so conditions are a factor.Since I have dual runner arrow skiis..I think they are slowing me down a bit.Can almost feel it when I let off the throttle...But getting to 100 is cool and fast enough on the river or trail.Got to make up your mind what you want to do.I learned the hard way that to get a few more mph I have spent way to much money..not really worth the effort and cash.If you are hiotting 100 quick enough..just ride..
if you want to go a little faster..go put down $14,000 to $18,000 and you may have a few more mph...otherwise like me and the price I paid for my SRX was cheap enough..1/4 the price of new and still feel that acceleration.If you are into racing..then that is a different story again..be ready to spend more bucks...
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03 Viper last weekend 180km/hr on the GPS on a lake with bare ice. Well over 100MPH. Speedo was 199km/hr.
SRX should have even more... I don't think there's an SRX out there that won't hit 100MPH.
SRX's are probably heavier and hate anything more then 1 inch of snow.If I run on good hard pack and then hit some 1 to 3 inches of soft snow..drops me instantly down in speed.
When these sleds left the factory 10 years ago they were very capable of 100+mph. In order to get them to that speed today they must be very close to where they were when they left the factory. forget all the aftermarket stuff like reeds and cans, get the bearings replaced, new belt, etc...and for that stuff stick to OEM. High quality.
