Oxygen sensor

you are looking for an EGT setup, oxygen sensor tells you an air fuel ratio. koso makes decent setups, digitron does as well. no experience with either
oh yeah, I guess you want the first one on the page. says you can get it as a tach, 2 egt, and water, or you can get tach and 3 egt. not cheap though at $524!!
Haha ,

I check a avenger 3 on ebay for 200 box with the probe but I didn't find replacement probe on the net .... I think racepak stop to made it ? Can I utilize another brand of probe ?
skimau said:
Haha ,

I check a avenger 3 on ebay for 200 box with the probe but I didn't find replacement probe on the net .... I think racepak stop to made it ? Can I utilize another brand of probe ?

you could try exhaust gas technologies for probes.
A narrowband o2 sensor is basically a binary lambda sensor, or simply it reads a 1 or a 0 depending on whether there's a lean condition or a rich condition. That's a little bit of a simplification, but fairly accurate (its output in mV changes dramatically around stoichiometry, so it appears as a binary output, on or off).

You'll want a wideband o2 sensor that reads air-fuel ratio. I don't know much about snowmobiling tuning, but in automobiles, they shoot for 14.7:1 at 0-85% throttle and run 12-13:1 at WOT for best power. The output is a little rich, but that ensure best torque because every air molecule pumped into the motor is utilized (o2/air being the limiting agent) and the extra fuel cools the combustion chamber enough to run a little closer to maximum brake torque timing (MBT timing) without encountering knock.

If this is really interesting to you, check out Greg Banish's book Engine Management - Advanced tuning. Its mostly for cars, but a lot of the concepts cross over
i know edlebrock makes one as i have been using one to tune my xt350. good idea for keeping and eye on things as a whole to prevent a lean burndown.
