You guys racing Enticers/250s..

Crazy Axe

New member
Dec 16, 2010
Burton, MI
How can I get some more RPM out of my primary before it engages? The spring might be worn a little, and I read that I can put a washer behind it to give it a little bit of stiffness but then I'd imagine that it won't compress all the way? I'm not looking to get like 5k before it comes in but a couple hundred rpm more.. Any suggestions?

If I remember right, the engagement shims will bring the rpms up about 200 rmps for each shim. There may be different thicknesses available, but not sure about availability for your ET clutch.
I have a couple that were in my 96 XT, if you want to see if they will work with your clutch. But I would like them replaced.
Let me know
Thanks Sno.. I think I'm gonna take it apart tomorrow and measure the spring to see if they might fit.. If anyone else has any input/suggestions feel free to chime in
Good news.. I just found a place that sells the OEM springs.. I can get both primary and secondary for about $15 to my door. I think I am gonna go that route and see if it gets better first.. and then maybe see about running a shim later if a new primary spring doesn't cure it.
