Secondary / jackshaft bushings


Jan 28, 2010
So I ripped my sled all apart to replace the driveshaft and bearings... I think I misplaced some of the bushings.

For #28, I only have two washers, one is a lot fatter than the other. I see on the microfishe there's three different part#'s for that #28, I assume for different thicknesses, so maybe I'm ok here?

I can't find #8, is that inside the secondary? Or is it loose on the shaft

Here's the issue, before I did this job, the secondary slid back and forth maybe 1mm or 2, now its tight on the shaft. The bolt that tightens the secondary just seems to get slightly tighter and tighter, it doesn't feel like its tightening against something solid, so I put a hold on the project until I get this sorted out. I'm sure I have to align the clutches, insert/remove spacers until its set, but does anyone know the answer to whether #8 is loose on the shaft or inside the secondary? If someone has a real life photo that'd be perfect. Also, does it look like one of the o-ring bushings that's on the driveshaft or jackshaft (chaincase side)?

sorry forgot this!

I think #8 is a bushing, pressed into the clutch. I am sure it would still be in your secondary, unless you have some bad damage there. My secondary floats or slides back and forth probably almost 1/4 inch. I thought it was supposed to but maybe I am missing some spacers too. Its been this way since I bought it used 3000 miles ago. The bolt you are referring to that doesnt seem to get tighter is #27? I think that should be torqued to about 45lbs. Someone who knows for sure will let us know about that and the sliding clutch. If your clutch is supposed to be same as before, sliding 1 to 2 mm, is your lock #20 in the same spot as before? There is a lot of info on this site regarding springs and weights etc, but I find it hard to locate regular maintenance type info. I will be doing the same thing as you once the snow is gone so good luck, I will be watching for info too.
You would add more spaces (#24) to get the free play to spec (1 - 2 mm). I currently use 6 of them.
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I've got #25, but when its installed, it is recessed into the secondary. I remember this didn't used to be the case. If #16 is supposed to go into the secondary, then I'm missing that because there's nothing but #25 going inside mine. #16 has the same part number as #8. I don't see either on my shaft. I must have lost them in the rebuild.

yamabrute; the 27 bolt never seem to tighten. I think its just pulling the shaft into the secondary because I'm missing #16/8 or a combo of the two

srx700: I have two spacers but they seem to add to the problem.
#25 is just a sleeve that slips over the #27 bolt. Most of #25 is recessed into the clutch, but a little should be sticking out since the shims #24 slide over #25. The quantity of #24 that you have/need could vary.

#16 is a bushing that is pressed into the helix and together these make #15.
Likewise, #8 is pressed into the clutch. Neither of these bushings should be loose. Check to make sure you have them, and that they are not worn/damaged, it does happen from time to time.

All of my clutches have a small amount of float on the shaft, been that way since day 1. I believe all of them have washers front and back, and thicknesses vary. If you had 1mm-2mm before the project, you should have 1mm-2mm after. The best thing to do is align the clutches, and stack the shims how you need to in order to keep the alignment. But before you do this, sounds like you need to make sure your stuff isn't binding, so...

Check to make sure that both retainers #19 are BEHIND the frame, not sandwiching the frame, or worse yet on the outside of the frame. For more on this, see bluemonster1's post in this SRX/Viper section during the last 3 days or so, "can't believe I did this". Quite honestly, it's something I believe I could do waaaay too easily. Maybe I should take a picture of mine the next time I have it apart, and keep it as a reminder of how it goes back together...
Good luck,
bluemonster1 said:
ya ya rub it in heard heard people have done sillier things but won't mention
lol, not trying to rub it in, just helping another Yamaha-er (is that even a word?). I actually though about it being taken as a rub-in, for a moment, but then I figured you wouldn't mind too much since you already fessed it up, ;)! and you might not mind the celebrity attention. :mrgreen:

Actually, my hats off to you for posting not only the admission of what happened, but also all of the info that you found during the fix. You may never know how many people this will help from you're posting all the info and pics. I'm glad to hear you found the problem, one step closer to making your SRX all that it should be, these are great sleds, try not to sell or part it if it can be avoided.

