back of secondary grooved out..why??


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
took trhe secondary off to change helix and notice that the back of the sliding sheave that slides on the jackshaft has been grinding on the bearing retainer.Actually this is happening on both secondaries.On my stepson's XTC I looked and it is not rubbing.Is there supposed to be a spacer on the shaft fiorst before the secondary slides on to prevent this..stumped here!!!.If not..then why is the sheave sliding back so far to rub up against the bearing retainer??


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I have my engine over to the left as far as practical so my secondary has more clearance with the bulkhead and bearing, this is mainly because I run Team secondary clutches on my sleds and need more clearance, but it would help with yours as well to keep the secondary away from the bearing bolts. I had to do some work on the torque link dog bone to allow the engine to move to the left a bit.

Works for me.

I blew a jackshaft bearing once that chewed up my secondary. had to get a new sheave. In your case, could it be that the motor is out of alignment (clutch side further back than it should be) so your secondary if trying to align but running out of space to do it and hitting the bearing housing? I don't have washers/spacers on that side either.
the parts fiche shows 3 washers behind and 2 washers in front..what the that the case then....#28 behind and #24 in front...what the heck..really!!!


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used the Yamaha clutch alignment tool which slides onto the jackshaft till it hits the bearing and engine is aligned from that..but the fiches shows washers on the shafty behind secondary..this would keep it from hitting the backside of 2ndary..If I add washers are saying the alignment will be out moving motor.Has been this way since I got the sleds.Gonna rip the 2ndary out of the xtc to see if it has washers behind on the shaft.This is all news to me now...thats why I can't get top speeds
the XTC secondary has no washers behind but 3 up front and the back of 2ndary is not rubbing..go figure.In my bag of misc. washers I found 3 washers that fit the shaft and are the the same diameter of the 2ndary shaft on the do I put these washers on.They are 2mm thick and are just a tad ahead of the bearing retainers..this would keep back of 2ndary from rubbing.Need to know who out there has a washer installed behind the secondary..
maybe because u did some work on the helix and that let the secondary to open more ????
I tried that stock helix I cut and it doesn't work hard throttle it drops the belt to quick..only had 8200 wot today..belt climbed almost to top of primary also..but didn't prove anything.I found out why the back is being chewed up by the bearing retainer.Looked at the other 2 sleds and on the SRX I put the retainer on the outside of the frame years ago when I changed the jackshaft.Both retainers should hold the bearing on the inside and some of the retainer will stick thru to the outside.So now more of it is on the outside...there's the rub!!!!

I about have had it with the SRX already..has not been the sled it is rated to be..Think I will park it already and just run the 600 for the next 3 weeks or so.I might even decide to sell it or part it out..costing me to much to keep it going,the 600 has never failed me..keeps running forever and no complications like the SRX... :o|
bluemonster1 said:
I tried that stock helix I cut and it doesn't work hard throttle it drops the belt to quick..only had 8200 wot today..belt climbed almost to top of primary also..but didn't prove anything.I found out why the back is being chewed up by the bearing retainer.Looked at the other 2 sleds and on the SRX I put the retainer on the outside of the frame years ago when I changed the jackshaft.Both retainers should hold the bearing on the inside and some of the retainer will stick thru to the outside.So now more of it is on the outside...there's the rub!!!!

I about have had it with the SRX already..has not been the sled it is rated to be..Think I will park it already and just run the 600 for the next 3 weeks or so.I might even decide to sell it or part it out..costing me to much to keep it going,the 600 has never failed me..keeps running forever and no complications like the SRX... :o|

well doug, if you fix it correctly and not have parts in backwards, missing, installed incorrectly, etc, it will be the sled its rated to be. just take your time, or before disassembly, take pics, so you can always have something to revert back to when in doubt.
its just like its never really want to take things apart now and fix it..but since I have another sled to can wait till next Fall I guess.I may be changing track later and all the drive line don't want to have to take the chaincase..etc all apart again....only like 3 weeks of riding left... :o|
bluemonster1 said:
its just like its never really want to take things apart now and fix it..but since I have another sled to can wait till next Fall I guess.I may be changing track later and all the drive line don't want to have to take the chaincase..etc all apart again....only like 3 weeks of riding left... :o|

Personally if I was in your shoes, I would take a break from it, leave it till fall and just ride the 600 sx-r.
got it solved for the time being..still riding the SRX.Took of the Arrow ski's and put on thre Simmons skis and gained about 6 mph...The Arrow are a more positive ski..bites good and corners better then the Simmons,mind you I have shaper bars and 60 degree carbides on them.The Simmons just have the stock 90 degree carbides on them.It feels you are on rails with the Arrows for sure..cornering at 80 mph is not an issue..,but they bite more and can actually feel them holdin me back some..
bluemonster1 said:
got it solved for the time being..still riding the SRX.Took of the Arrow ski's and put on thre Simmons skis and gained about 6 mph...The Arrow are a more positive ski..bites good and corners better then the Simmons,mind you I have shaper bars and 60 degree carbides on them.The Simmons just have the stock 90 degree carbides on them.It feels you are on rails with the Arrows for sure..cornering at 80 mph is not an issue..,but they bite more and can actually feel them holdin me back some..

well, you just gained 6mph simply from getting rid of them skis. now, get your secondary to shift out w/o hitting and you will see another 5-10mph. i always liked the stock skis. i hate any dual carbide setup. just too much drag and mph and mpg loss.

i forgot to mention, that you should have taken note of the clutch temps w/the skis change. i bet they are hotter w/the aggressive dual runners.
actually I check the clutches all the time for heat.they seemed good to me.They were cool to the touch while on the river where I am more at constant speeds.When I am in the ditches..I am up and down on the gas.Found on primary movable sheave just a tad warm but the fixed sheave was to hot to touch..burned myself..secondary was good.I would imagine the fixed sheave on primary will always be hotter since it is closer to engine also where as the movavble sheave is moving around and act like a fan so to speak..I am thinking of putting on the uSI single csarbide ski's again,but change mounting holes where bolts go thru to attach.I found center hole being used the ski's are a bugger to turn,back up 1 hole for mounting and the skis are easy to turn..but at high speed they lose control on me going side to side to rapid and put me in a control loss.So will try center hole again and shim the back of the rubber to find the balance.Then will see if I gain any more speed.Just need to now if it will or not.Prefer the dual carbide skis because it has excellent control and make it feel like the sled in on rails.I had the SRX going 80 mph around corners today on the River and no push and complete level sled with bite.
So current clutching is all setup for next year? We still have a couple of more weeks on the trails in Ontario. Will be thinkin' about you.

Remember. Not too much testing on that ripped up track of yours.
