another model year release letdown


New member
Dec 7, 2005
I know it will never happen but i keep hopeing for a direct injection 2 stroke yamaha, I tried the 4 strokes with a 06 apex and it just wasnt the same, my srx is as fast and handled much better, so i sold the apex and rode the old srx for a couple more years but its got 12000 miles and never been rebuilt so its getting kinda tired and i really wanted a more modern sled so i bought a 500 sno pro, and its a nice sled but it aint no yamaha. I think they ran a direct injection 2 stroke for the watercraft, why no snowmobile direct injection. sorry for the long post, i just miss the good old yamaha 2 strokes :2strokes:
how awesome would it be if they would make the srx and Viper again but with 800 or 900cc and have them both stock with pipes , I would be the first in line for a new one like that and ofc have it 2 Strokes,

but I guess that will never happen :( and that is really sad,

I own a viper and I really can't see my self on apex rx-1 or Nytro I now they are sweet with Turbos,
I'd just be happy with a 121" that had 140ish hp and weighed 450lbs or less and good suspension. Obviously I want something totally different than the direction that yamaha is going in (163hp 600lbs and yah right). But it's a good thing that I'm not making the decisions at yamaha, because they seem to be making good sales selling $20,000 (i live in canada) tanks to trail riders, while giving us middle class 2 stroke loving hillbillies the middle finger. In all honesty though, it's a market that they're dominating and they don't really have any real competition right now (in most people's opinion) so they obviously know what they're doing profit wise.
Yamaha Corp made the decision some years ago to only build 4 stroke sleds. By the looks of it they are not changing there mind. I rode a 2010 Nytro XTX this year and I love it would not trade it for any 2 stroke. I know they are expensive but the savings in gas and 2 stroke oil offset that expense. Also the reliability of the engines are worth the extra cost. If you haven't tried one give them a chance if you have and dont like them then you can always try one of the other manufactures sled. But to think or WISH yamaha is going to build another 2 stroke will never happen.
Me and a friend were talking about a DI, oil sump 2 stroke the other day. I am sure it can be done and just as clean as a 4 stroke minus the weight. There would be a hurdle or 2 but If the tech is there, I would never say never.

The rumor mill is that Cat may be on this for 2014, but that's a few years away. By then, I am sure Yamaha will have the weight and other problems that the 4 strokes have ironed out.

I tried the Nytro thing but it just didn't work for me unless I had the extra $10K canuck bucks for a turbo. I ended up on a M8 and love it...but that's just me!

And NO I don't own a crack pipe!
As long as were 4 stroke dreaming....a


Not a big mechanic....but is there any better ??? I really don't know.

I remember the SMPFI from a late 80s or early 90's vette.........I think.
