I really can't believe my luck of late with the SRX.Now this morning I discover a chunk of track missing.How the hell could a section with a clip tear clean off between the cogs ?? The drivers still will rotate on the cogs in that section,edge of track is not ripped thru or out..so am I still good to go with the track??Wander what could even have caused this to happen.There was a piece of track just flapping..so maybe that is the sound I kept hearing below me the other day.I have been doing some hard launchs on hard packed snow..maybe I caught something right in that spot,anyone seen this before..like I mentioned the side is still intack and the areas where the driver contact is still intact..what you say???What a money pit the SRX has been..the 600 not even a hiccup after 13,000 km's..and I ride it way harder then the SRX......
Don't know if this is a deciding factor for me to maybe part out the sled next season.Don't really have the funds now for a new track yet...
some pics and then a pic where I trimmed the flapping piece off so you can see really what track looks like up close.I really want to try out the 8bu's again because I re-clutched it last night and want to see what happens..is this a bad thing to do now.....

some pics and then a pic where I trimmed the flapping piece off so you can see really what track looks like up close.I really want to try out the 8bu's again because I re-clutched it last night and want to see what happens..is this a bad thing to do now.....

The problem will be with the front of the rails spearring the open window.There is no way I would run it that way.
Do you have a forth wheel in the rear, or just the 3 stock wheels? I had the same thing happen from landing on the tail after a road crossing, the track flexxed in and caught the track adjuster. I added the fourth wheel and havent had any issues since.

the front of the rail has the plastic bumper on it,can't see how that would even catch the windown as the bumper is slightly curved up.,unless I nailed something hard at the point and pushed the track in..but still that bumper is pretty thick and rounded...

it always had 4 wheels in the back axle also...

it is pretty hard to flex the track up between the driver and the tip in such a short span..this is really bugging me why..Also as the track turns forward the tear in that section is nor consistant with the rotation..as it tears upward.should tear downward if it caught a rail...
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yes but...
It almost looks as though you caught up on something from the outside, a rock perhaps. If your confident there is no obstructions in the tunnel, I would go ahead and test it with your new setup, you've lost a little material between windows and shouldn't be a huge issue for a couple of test runs.

well wil, be parking the SRX early....
draining the gas and such I guess..won't know what she will do with my latest setup either...
with all the snow we still have it is nuts.At least I put on some nearly 1400 miles on the re-built motor and it has not blown to pieces..1 good thing.. 

bluemonster1 said:the front of the rail has the plastic bumper on it,can't see how that would even catch the windown as the bumper is slightly curved up.,unless I nailed something hard at the point and pushed the track in..but still that bumper is pretty thick and rounded...
Take a look at your rail tip, I would almost guarentee it has a lot of wear on it from contacting the track. And thats with every growser bar(the section thats missing) in place. Also, when the suspension is compressed the track will become much looser and make it much easier to deflect up when hitting just about anything from Ice and dirt chunks, to anything else on the trail.
Its obviusly your choice, but tracks getting speared by the rail isnt as uncommon as you may want to believe.
Good luck and stay safe

yeah I'll take your advice and won't ride it anymore..don't want tp hit 100 and then have another spear job and end up dying or in a wheelchair for life..got a flood coming this year and need to be alive to be able to protect my property..
yes but...
Let me clarify, I would never run if there is an issue with the skid or tunnel...safety comes first. I have in the past ran a track the latter part of the season with a blown out window from a rock without issue and have also run tracks with torn out lugs...you just want to be vigilant.

I will check everything over during the week to see if nothing is broken or let go first,then will check the rails..if all seems ok,I will take the SRX out for some short runs only in the field next to my house.Just wann see the rpms I get at launch and wot with the 8bu setup I have..just need to know,and if the track blows apart..at least I am next to my property for towing..

PS: I have to practice my rolling technique just in case track jams and I get tossed over handle bars..need to roll efficently as possible without damage to my new BV2S ($600) helmet. Damn helmet could of paid for a new track.
Active member
Strange........ it is the same side as the broken bolt you had last week. The front shock bottom axle bolt that hold your rails together?And keeps your rails on plane???Sorry about your luck doug or lack of it but that was a rail stab!Find a newer skid and another track and call it a year for the little blue ride.

actually the bolt was on the other side that broke..whatever.If I look at the rail and track ..there is like a good 3/4 inch at least that the track is away from the tip.How the hell could the track really come that close contact,that is a lot of pressure for sure.,whatever,the damage is done.I'll go spiin that track in the field next to me and see if it will do it again,since track is damaged..who cares right...
If I get another track,I want one that is tough and maybe will go back to a 3/4 track(like stock).But I have to spend some money on a small boat/motor before the flood hits and that will use up my spare cash for the year..SRX may have to sit out a season at least...
If I get another track,I want one that is tough and maybe will go back to a 3/4 track(like stock).But I have to spend some money on a small boat/motor before the flood hits and that will use up my spare cash for the year..SRX may have to sit out a season at least...
Active member
It happens with a loose skid when the sled is climbing out of a hole or going over a log,The thing is the sled stops dead in its tracks and have to turn the track back to unstick it!!!!Bummer!
Too bad you might pack up the 700, Blue. Foot of fresh Pow just hit Ontario. Will be riding tomorrow while you diagnose the track.
yesssssssssss we got alots of snow now and its fun alots of water skipping in the tral in did rain before it snow loll

well worked on the torn track and reinforced the opening with limiter straps and attached with studs.Don't look cool.but will keep the outside edge of track from ripping off..Did some 100 mph runs with sled today and track is holding up.Also while fixing track last night..noticed my 3rd wheel in had a srtip pf rubber missing.This has to have happened went the track got torn..something funny here.|So I removed rear wheels today and put all new bearings in and put it back,aligned track and I was ready.Man the 8bu10's really pulled good today..wicked acceleration up to 100 in the ditch.Never could do 100 in the stretch of ditch before..just 90..so something is running better.
pics of wheel and track fix...
pics of wheel and track fix...