powervalve adjustment


New member
Feb 8, 2011
i,ve read plenty of posts on the servo motor turning back just alittle bit after running sled down under 900 rpms .. now whats the answer when i loosen all cables which are free moving with nothing stuck. and start the sled and pull the choke to get it down on rpms the servo turns like its supposed to and then turns back alittle bit.. where do i mark this wheel when i see it turning at its furthest point or when it gets done turning back some??
I read what you posted, but just to interpret, when you choke it or idle down to get it below 900 rpms, the servo motor should cycle and stay @ that location till you hit your kill switch. It should not pull back after killing the motor. Before idling down, make sure all your valves are loose, by loosening the lock nuts and then screwing IN the cables. There should then be no pressure on the cables, forcing the servo motor to pull back a little. I've only had my servo motor move or reset, if I had too much pressure on the cables when adjusting. You would mark the servo at that lone location when the servo is fully open, not when it has moved back. You also may want to set initial marks on you servo just for a reference, but not necessary.
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what would make them have some resistance on them?? two of them seem to have alittle resistance even with cables loosened all the way??
PV's could be stuck in the slots. I would go thru them and clean them all first before adjusting. Also clean the slots they go into as well (equally important, but often overlooked).
