M-10 Front Shock Rebound Damping


Active member
Oct 16, 2008
Sunderland, Ontario
I just got the front shock out of my M-10 rebuilt and when I push down on the front arm it jumps back up fairly quickly with little damping resistance. This is the first M-10 I have had so I'm not sure if this is normal.
sounds like the shock needs rebuilding. Shouldn't matter what suspension you're dealing with, their should be some amount of damping. The only way to really find out is try moving the shock back and forth without the spring on. But if you don't have a spring removal tool it's too dangerous to do on your own.
Well this shock is freshly rebuilt and it doesn't seem right to be doing this. I don't think I can get the spring off to test though since I don't have a compressor.

Can anyone confirm their M-10 front shock? Also what is the eye to eye measurement, I want to make sure it's the right shock.
You don't need a compressor for the front spring, just unscrew the adjustment collar all the way and you'll be able to get the retainer off and separate the shock and spring.When you push the shock in all the way you should feel moderately hard resistance and it should return somewhat fast, but not super fast.If it doesn't seem this way take it back to the guy who worked on it for you.You do need a compressor for the rear m-10 shock.
Thanks Swede that's good to know. i have always been leery of all shocks and have just sent them in, now I know that you can work on the front ones if you have to. Of course I still can't rebuild my own but it's still good to know.
I'll get around to removing the front shock this weekend hopefully and see how it performs. I did test a buddy's M-10 front shock when it was installed and it acted in a similar way. It was also freshly rebuilt.
