This is not mine, but I know the sled. It is a 1998 SRX that has had the tunnel changed. The current owner put a long track on it. When I road it last it acted like a bad CDI as it had intermittent problems. Engine didn't make any bad noises last time I road it, but could use rings.
Somebody messed with coil wiring so it is not a ready to ride sled. Also has the trailing arms off but said he would include remains of a Viper with arms to go with it. Enough is there to put the SRX stuff in the Viper chassis.
And at $300.00 it is quite a buy. I am almost tempted to buy it to put the SRX cylinders and pipes on my Viper, but as the girlfriend rides
This is not mine, but I know the sled. It is a 1998 SRX that has had the tunnel changed. The current owner put a long track on it. When I road it last it acted like a bad CDI as it had intermittent problems. Engine didn't make any bad noises last time I road it, but could use rings.
Somebody messed with coil wiring so it is not a ready to ride sled. Also has the trailing arms off but said he would include remains of a Viper with arms to go with it. Enough is there to put the SRX stuff in the Viper chassis.
And at $300.00 it is quite a buy. I am almost tempted to buy it to put the SRX cylinders and pipes on my Viper, but as the girlfriend rides
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Should be worth that all day long, Shipping to Mi would prolly be more than purchase price!

New member
too bad it's so far away!!!!that's an awesome deal for sure!
Talked to the guy last night on the phone. Seems like a legit deal and he really only wants $300. The clutches are worth that much. Not sure why he isn't parting it out other than the fact he says he is super busy at work and has no time for the thing. He did say he had a viper chassis that he would throw in for that price as well.