Clutch troubles


New member
Feb 6, 2010
Northern Saskatchewan
The secondary on my 94 Vmax is pretty wore out. The inside bushing and slide bushing are wore down and my cam is grooved up. I am having trouble finding parts for it. I will have more time in the summer to work on it but want to get in the last few weekends of riding. Any idea if I lubed/greased up the bushing if this would cause any issues? Will probaly get another 3-400 miles of riding yet this season. Also any idea if other makes will fit my clutch?
Don't put any grease or oil on your clutch, that will make it worse when it attracts all that belt dust to the grease... A newer Yamaha clutch should fit. But don't take my work on it. Let's just say I'm pretty sure it would.
Thanks, the guys who works on my sleds says he can build the bushings and lathe down my helix and make bushing to fit it. So looks like I will be going again. Anyone know what newer models would fit on my sled?
