Viper Tors Problem


New member
Mar 9, 2011
stained her, on
I have searched but found nothing, wondering if you guys have any ideas.

Carbs,PV's cleaned begin of this season, compression good, Viper has been running great until last nite. I turned off carb heaters, (first time) and went for ride while it was snowing heavily (wet snow 30 degree F), and I got bog at wot around 50-60 mph.

Could the Tors contacts iced up at the carb with the heaters off ? I will recheck cable adjustment/slack tonight. Maybe its not the Tors ??


Great Site !!

You can check if the TORS is working by bypassing it. Just unhook the wires that go to the carbs and then bypass it by connecting the two wires that go to the carbs. If it runs fine like this then your Tors is probably acting up.
Thanks - but that link didn't work for me.

Anyways what I meant to say is I didn't find anything about Tors causing problems when shutting off carb heaters. I was wandering if this has ever happened to anyone else.

I did read a bunch of the other Tors threads though, guess I will just have to go through the motions of figuring out whats going on.
TORS, when activated, will not allow the RPM to go over 2,000. If you are going 60 miles an hour, TORS is not engaged.
deffinitely not a tors problem. 30 farenheit is pretty warm, if your midrange is a little rich it may give you a bog concern. I know stock jetting anything above freezing my viper runs pretty rich. Could be clutching as well, maybe a little more detail from you of when it happens good narrow it down some and get er fixed up
Have you ridden it since?I'd bet that your carbs were freezing up(ice build-up in the venturies from intake air) with that wet heavy snow basically choking the engine.Not to be confused with moisture in the fuel clogging jets.Lots of moisture getting sucked in and most people don't realize that the carbs will freeze up faster in these conditions that they will at say -20.The colder it is the dryer the air usually is.

When this happens usually if you shut it off and let it sit for 15 min. the
heat from the engine will thaw out the carbs and it will run fine again.The morale of the story is to leave the carb warmers on in these conditions.
